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Tips & Co. #415 - Burnout: The work-exhaustion syndrome

The phenomenon of occupational pathologies began in industrialized countries with the "burn-out", which is a manifestation of a state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion resulting from overly demanding work situations.

Stress and tension can be triggered by a new or unforeseen circumstance, feeling of lack of control or even a threatening or destabilizing situation. Stress is a physical reaction that puts the body on alert when in danger. The modern work experience is constantly changing and demands are incessant, and this generates an elevated level of stress that can become chronic. While you are in a constant state of urgency, your defence mechanisms are functioning without respite and your body ends up exhausted. This fatigue will have an impact on your morale and emotional exhaustion will add to physical exhaustion. To burn out literally means “to burn from inside out, to consume oneself”.

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