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Tips & Co. #128 - Customer Service Etiquette

Applying customer service etiquette allows us to gain customers’ trust and increase the degree of comfort between customers and the service representative.

Here are a few criteria for politeness: 

- It is not impolite to make your interlocutor repeat himself, as long as you do it nicely.
- If we must interrupt a conversation, it is essential to use the "hold" button and to inform the client, instead of using the "mute" button or covering the receiver with your hand.
- Respect the cultural, ethnic and lifestyle differences.
- Replace the words "BUT" by "AND" as much as possible, in order to make communication more positive and professional.
- Ask questions to the customers regularly : if he understands correctly what you are asking him to do, if you’re going too fast. "Am I explaining myself clearly? Please stop me if I’m going too fast."

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