
Tips & Co. #238 - Use calming and focusing techniques

Tips & Co. #238 - Use calming and focusing techniques
If customers get angry or start yelling, employ calming techniques to defuse the situation. Keeping your tone of voice even can compel someone who's s...
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  2008 lectures
2008 lectures

Tips & Co. #237 - Coping with the fear of public speaking

Tips & Co. #237 - Coping with the fear of public speaking
If speaking in public causes you anxiety and concern, make an effort to stop thinking about yourself, your nervousness, and your fear. Instead, focus ...
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  1789 lectures
1789 lectures

Tips & Co. #233 - Workplace stress release

Tips & Co. #233 - Workplace stress release
Stress makes your body release out two hormones: cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals put your body into fight-or-flight mode, ratcheting up your ...
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  2011 lectures
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2011 lectures

Tips & Co. #217 - Perfection vs Excellence

Tips & Co. #217 - Perfection vs Excellence
There is surely a need for perfectionism in some situations. But most things in life are pass/fail situations. Demanding perfection of yourself all th...
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  2112 lectures
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2112 lectures

Tips & Co. #213 - Lesson from the ski hill

Tips & Co. #213 - Lesson from the ski hill
When thoughts and worries feel utterly overwhelming, psychologists’ recommend a hidden logic for how to handle them. "If you are hurtling down a slope...
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  2169 lectures
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2169 lectures

Tips & Co. #199 - Find your stress equilibrium

Tips & Co. #199 - Find your stress equilibrium
We all know that too much stress isn’t good for your health, but too little stress isn’t ideal either- you become bored and unmotivated. In small dose...
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  2123 lectures
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2123 lectures

Tips & Co. #196 - The causes of burnout

Burnout doesn’t always result from having too much to do: sometimes, it’s caused by a lack of control over your work, or by insufficient challenges in...
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  1956 lectures
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1956 lectures

Tips & Co. #193 - Create a new morning routine

Research shows that chronic workplace stress typically begins at the beginning of the workday and then escalates as the day progresses. Interrupt the ...
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  2220 lectures
2220 lectures

Tips & Co. #186 - Reduce the jitters

During a speech, to reduce the jitters or shyness, ignore the disapproving looks : watching the forehead of a spectator and not his eyes (a technique ...
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  2128 lectures
2128 lectures

Tips & Co. #184 - To reduce our worries

A theory states that doing anything over and over again gets you bored fast (like riding an elevator up and down again and again). You can do the same...
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  2312 lectures
2312 lectures

Tips & Co. #179 - The advantage of kindness

Research has shown that offering even a small act of kindness can boost oxytocin levels (known as the "feel-good" hormone). Meaning that even in a dif...
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  2188 lectures
2188 lectures

Tips & Co. #173 - Engage in play

Playing unleashes creativity and innovation. It allows us to relax and energizes us, which helps us to discover new ways of thinking and solving probl...
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  3057 lectures
3057 lectures

Tips & Co. #168 - Change is Tough

Any change causes stress, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Your stress response is designed to help you meet demands you face by increasing your ...
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  3115 lectures
Mots-clés :
3115 lectures

Tips & Co. #166 - Stage Fright

Stage fright is not always a disability, it can be used to your advantage. Fear triggers your defense mechanisms for channeling all the attention and ...
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  2738 lectures
2738 lectures

Tips & Co. #108 - A Smart Attitude to Have

Assertiveness is an important attitude to have in one’s professional life. An individual who is assertive remains calm and demonstrates positive body ...
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  5627 lectures
5627 lectures

Be Careful with Emotions - Risk of Contagion!

Our brain is wired to imitate others – when we are in the presence of people, our mirror neurons (our learning neurons functioning by imitating and sh...
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  6354 lectures
6354 lectures

Tips & Co. #90 - Emails and stress

Emails sent too fast, written without a polite opening, the imperative “Urgent” received various times a day, the never-ending “reply to all”… All the...
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  3730 lectures
3730 lectures

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