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Tips & Co. #344 - Culture is...

Geert Hofstede, a social psychologist, defines culture as follows: “We are pack animals. We use language and empathy and work together and engage in competition as a group. The unwritten rules that govern these aspects differ from one group of humans to another. 'Culture' is how we describe this set of unwritten rules that defines how to be a good group member.”

Communicating with different cultures can be difficult. When we deal with people from unfamiliar cultures, it is easy to misinterpret meanings and intentions. This can lead to confusion, unhappiness and frustration. For communication to be successful, we need to understand the meaning and the intent of what the other person has said. The better one understands the influence of culture and its unwritten sets of rules, the more effective communication will be.

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Trucs & Astuces #344 - La culture c’est…

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