
Tips & Co, #405 - Etiquette in the workplace … Advice no.4

Be inclusive – Avoid forming cliques that might exclude people, giving colleagues the silent treatment or speaking to people in a condescending way. T...
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  860 lectures
860 lectures

Tips & Co. #400 - Delegating in a good fashion

Here are different actions you can use regularly in order to establish an effective environment for delegation: Allow others to make decisions and the...
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  1166 lectures
1166 lectures

Tips & Co. #395 - Long live diversity!

Today’s workforce is more diverse than ever. Reality changed. It’s no longer about knowing how to work with people like us, but rather being able to w...
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  1030 lectures
1030 lectures

Visual supports | The analog tools’ advantages in the digital era

Before foreseeing a PowerPoint for your next presentation, and neglecting (even forgetting) white boards and flip charts, take the time to read this: ...
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  1321 lectures
1321 lectures

Tips & Co. #390 - Which channel to prioritize when negotiating?

Is it better to send an email, pick up the phone or doing it face to face?You are right to be wondering, the way of establishing contact is important ...
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  1255 lectures
1255 lectures

Tips & Co. #385 - Professional skills of the 21st century

There is an international classification of the 21st century professional skills. Among them we find the famous 4 “C”. Those skills are not only "Soft...
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  1225 lectures
1225 lectures

Tips & Co. #380 - One more way to generate creative ideas when Brainstorming

Last month we saw the Reverse brainstorming as an additional way to generate ideas, and to come up with a creative solution to problems. Here is anoth...
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  3308 lectures
3308 lectures

Tips & Co. #375 - A different way to generate creative ideas when Brainstorming

Many of us have taken part in traditional "Brainstorming" sessions. These are commonly used to generate ideas, and to come up with a creative solution...
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  1232 lectures
1232 lectures

Tips & Co. #370 - Understanding Creativity

  If the idea of being creative at work makes you think of artistic talent, don't worry, you are not alone. To most people creativity is simply r...
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  2333 lectures
2333 lectures

Tips & Co. #359 - Learn to adapt

Given that their kind has been roaming the oceans for over 200 million years, you might say six-gilled sharks are the senior citizens of the marine wo...
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  1226 lectures
1226 lectures

Tips & Co. #354 - A common code for headphones

In an open work environment, it is sometimes difficult to focus. Put on noise-canceling headphones for times when you are working on a task that requi...
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  1967 lectures
1967 lectures

Tips & Co. #349 - Why is teamwork so effective?

The human mind is an outstanding problem solver but a less impressive storage device. We can hold, according to some estimates, about 1 gigabyte of me...
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  1257 lectures
1257 lectures

Tips & Co. #344 - Culture is...

Geert Hofstede, a social psychologist, defines culture as follows: “We are pack animals. We use language and empathy and work together and engage in c...
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  1669 lectures
1669 lectures

Tips & Co. #334 - Tips for Working with Every Generation

Today’s workforce requires cooperation from five generations. One of the biggest workplace challenges is getting these generations to see past their b...
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  1525 lectures
1525 lectures

Tips & Co. #294 - Great team members don’t stay in the shadows

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Everyone wishes to be part of a great team in their workplace. Because great teams have the energy, drive and means to strive for excellence and succe...
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  1736 lectures
1736 lectures

Tips & Co. #286 - Team communication

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Be careful in how you communicate your expertise; you don't want others to see you as arrogant or as a know-it-all. Stay humble about your accomplishm...
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  1885 lectures
1885 lectures

Tips & Co. #277 - Decisions, decisions, decisions

It is estimated that an adult makes approximately 35,000 decisions a day. That doesn’t leave much headspace for the rest of our day-to-day existence. ...
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  2036 lectures
2036 lectures

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