Article ENG Octobre 2020In order to optimize the participants’ experience, and offer quality training, Solutions & Co. trainers are physically present in their classes and give their training in front of large screens. As if you were there in the classroom with them. What we have seen over the past 7 months is that the success of the “virtual” experience is highly dependent on the participants, and that participants appear to be divided into three main groups:

  1. Thosewho donot have cameras on their computers. 
  2. Those who do not want to turn their camera on.
  3. Those who turn their camera on voluntarily. 

More details...  

1. Those who do not have cameras on their computers -No worries! Did you know you can use the app on your tablet? On your smartphone? The training is so much more effective by video that it is worth taking the time to reconnect. Do you mind reconnecting at the next break?

2. Those who do not want to turn their cameras on - There can be multiple reasons: 

3. Those who turn their cameras on voluntarily - Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you so much! You make our work so much easier and more enjoyable.  

But you don’t have to do it just to make your trainer happy. There are many benefits when you turn on your camera.

Benefits of turning your camera on... 

For the participant: 

For the trainer: 

The main point of this article is that face-to-face, either in person or virtually, is an important part of a training and contributes to its success. With remote training, turning on our cameras is close to a face-to-face interaction. Of course, video will never replace face-to-face interaction… But seeing someone on the screen psychologically encourages a more authentic human connection.

Please… Please… During your next virtual training – Turn on your cameras!