Tips & Co. #397 - What is a customer service norm?

A customer service norm is a commitment in order to reach a performance level that customers (internal or external) can expect in their day-to-day operations. Keeping the quality of offered services in mind we owe it to our selves to develop customer service norms reflecting the behaviours the organization / department / service wants to adopt towards its customers. A customer service norm is:

Focused on the customer – Knowing the customers’ expectations means identifying their priorities and expectations. Those expectations are used as indicators allowing you to measure the customer’s satisfaction such as availability, accessibility, credibility, curtesy, reliability, security, etc. (what the customer wants)

Based on the organizational culture – the norm must be in syntony with the goals and decisions we make as an organization, and is lead by a combination of values and principles, such as independence, equity, integrity, excellence, respect, performance, innovation, collaboration, creativity, etc. The internal processes or values are what is important to reach the results. (What the organization aspires to)

Measurable – The respect of the norm is subject to an objective evaluation through performance measurement activities such as satisfaction surveys, call recordings, etc. And result in external and internal accountability.

Public – the commitment and performances will be shared with customers and employees.

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