Tips & Co. #557 - Loving working

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The distinction between "Loving your work" and "Loving working."

"I love my work" refers to enjoying the activity and the work itself. "I love to work" is rather enjoying making efforts, to confront, to learn, to excel, to give meaning to our work and allows for full self-realization.

When we love working, we are absorbed by our work and we do not feel like we are working.

Lire la suite
  418 lectures
418 lectures

Tips & Co. #556 - Decisions, decisions, decisions

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It is estimated that an adult makes approximately 35,000 decisions a day. That doesn’t leave much headspace for the rest of our day-to-day existence.

Cut out all the decisions that create white noise in your head and you might be struck by how free, clear-headed and determined you feel.

Lire la suite
  459 lectures
459 lectures

Tips & Co. #555 - Focusing on Opportunities

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There will always be obstacles (Challenges, deadlines, limited resources, and people working against you), and there will always be opportunities (New people, situations and ideas just waiting…Occasions to share, give, contribute). The ones we rehearse and focus on are the ones that shape our attitude and our actions.

Focusing on our opportunities doesn't mean the problems don't exist, it means that we are far more likely to do something that matters.

Lire la suite
  439 lectures
439 lectures

Tips & Co. #554 - The art of public speaking

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Master the art of public speaking by acquiring more self-confidence. There is no miracle, it is important to prepare yourself in advance. The more you master the content, the more you can invest your energy in the form.

Lire la suite
  412 lectures
412 lectures

Tips & Co. #553 - Making a Client Wait

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Never make a client wait for long without explaining your process and the reason for the delay. When you get back to him, always thank him for his patience.

Lire la suite
  472 lectures
472 lectures

Tips & Co. #552 - Why Soft Skills Matter

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While your technical skills may get your foot in the door, your people skills are what open most of the doors to come. 

It's just not enough to be highly trained in technical skills, without developing the softer, interpersonal and relationship-building skills that help people to communicate and collaborate effectively.

Lire la suite
  406 lectures
406 lectures

Tips & Co. #551 - Negativity

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A single person with a poor attitude – someone who is chronically negative – can destroy the morale of an entire team if left unchecked. If that person reports to you, deal with it at once. If it’s your teammate, ask him (her) to stop. If it’s you, think about how much your complaining is harming your team, your reputation and your future.

Lire la suite
  478 lectures
478 lectures

Tips & Co. #550 - Dusting yourself off

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We all know the proverb: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."  But is it really better to be safe than sorry? We often try to avoid being naive, shielding ourselves from being fooled. But living on high alert all the time is very demanding and little rewarding. By being willing to be trusting, you might get deceived again, but that’s the price of trust. If you are solid, you’ll get back up on your feet, dust yourself off and continue on your path.  

Lire la suite
  456 lectures
456 lectures

Tips & Co. #549 - Three Versions to Every Story

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There are usually three versions of a story or of a contentious situation: yours, the others and reality. By readying yourself to see all sides of a situation, you allow yourself to explore a multitude of possibilities and solutions. You’ll also reveal yourself as fair, well-thought and respectful, and you’ll also deserve everyone’s trust and respect.

Lire la suite
  453 lectures
453 lectures

Tips & Co. #548 - Customer Service Etiquette

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Following customer service etiquette allows us to gain trust from the clientele and increase the comfort level between the customers and the service representative. 

Here are a few guidelines: 

Treat internal and external calls the same way. 

Personalize calls by mentioning you interlocutor’s name a few times during the conversation. 

Use a more formal language, unless you’re very familiar with the interlocutor. 

Don’t ever correct the pronunciation or vocabulary of your interlocutor. 

Respect the chosen language of your interlocutor, even if he is having hard time.

Lire la suite
  461 lectures
461 lectures

Tips & Co. #547 - Managing emails

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Opening an email should be followed by an action: 




Planning to follow-up 

Deal with ALL emails until your inbox is empty!

Lire la suite
  495 lectures
495 lectures

Tips & Co. #546 - Blaming is useless

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Blaming is often a natural response when things go wrong. The biggest disappointment is that it doesn’t work. Nothing is as professional as the ability to get to the heart of a problem and fix it – without bothering to place blame.

Lire la suite
  486 lectures
486 lectures

Tips & Co. #545 - Proactive People

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Proactive people decide what's going to happen next. They set the pace, outline the strategy, and initiate action instead of just reacting. 

Finding the courage to be proactive is hard, but when you do, you’ll choose your own actions and you’ll take control over your time, your effort and your results.

Lire la suite
  484 lectures
484 lectures

Tips & Co. #544 - Who Listens Reaps

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« He who speaks sows, he who listens reaps.” This Japanese saying reminds us of the importance of practicing active listening. The key element of good listening is to understand the interlocutor; it will allow you to know more about others and will facilitate successful collaboration with them.

Lire la suite
  474 lectures
474 lectures

Tips & Co. #543 - Empathy

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Empathy is beneficial for our brain. 

Listening to others allows a strong concentration of mirror neurons in our brain. These neurons of learning by imitation and of sharing with others, also called « Gandhi » neurons, simulate our interlocutor’s emotional state in our brain to better identify it. They play a role of recognition, but also a role of self-awareness.

Lire la suite
  584 lectures
584 lectures

Tips & Co. #542 - Creative Réflexion

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During waiting periods, take this opportunity to do some creative thinking. This practice will help you to be innovative in problem-solving, planning and organizing.

Lire la suite
  674 lectures
674 lectures

Tips & Co. #541 - Choosing Your Words

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Choosing your words wisely can make all the difference in how people perceive you. Instead of sounding like a complainer and a whiner by saying "I have a problem", try "I have a concern" instead. You still have an issue but you’ll sound mature and more in control.

Lire la suite
  482 lectures
482 lectures

Tips & Co. #540 - Ungrateful customers

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One of the most common reasons for customers to be ungrateful is that they start to perceive that you and the people they deal with just don't care. Data points to the fact that customers will stop appreciating us when they feel we have stopped appreciating them. That's where a focus on customer service and customer service training pays off.

Lire la suite
  500 lectures
500 lectures

Tips & Co. #539 - Vocabulary matters

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If your vocabulary is limited, nuance goes out the window.

It’s not only about using professional jargon (every industry, trade and occupation has its own); because sometimes we need to simplify it to be understood and sometimes, we need to amplify it to show expertise.

But it’s also about being able to use the right word in the right moment. The right words give you the opportunity to express your manners, attitude, professionalism, empathy, courtesy…

Your vocabulary reflects the way you think! When you have the right vocabulary your ability to see, to explain and to influence becomes exponential.

Lire la suite
  564 lectures
564 lectures

Tips & Co. #538 - Have an unresponsive coworker?

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Try this five steps approach:

1. Examine your attitude - Start with the assumption that your coworker actually does care about doing a good job but that he’s as busy as you are.  It is possible that he actually doesn’t care, but that assumption serves no purpose other than to frustrate you. 

2. Make sure that your coworker understands why it is important - “We have a sensitive situation to deal with on Friday with customer ABC, and one of the critical pieces is XYZ.  Could you please send me the information on it?”

3. Acknowledging how busy he is - “I know how busy you are…”  Empathy is a relationship builder.

4. Help him help you - “This information is critical to the resolution of the situation.  If there’s anything I can do to help you get me the information by Wednesday, please let me know.”

5. Express appreciation and make it personal - “Thanks in advance Michael, I really appreciate your help on this!”

Lire la suite
  525 lectures
525 lectures

Tips & Co. #537 - Autopilot mode

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In our work environment we are constantly submerged by information, solicitations, requests (pop-ups, interruptions, ringers, bips...)   much of it is unnecessary "noise".  Relying on mental shortcuts is important, but a methodological approach is also essential, and we have to learn to unhook from autopilot and filter information. Taking the time to think and reflect is crucial. Solutions and ideas need space and time to incubate.

Lire la suite
  496 lectures
496 lectures

Tips & Co. #536 - Turn the Situation Around

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When a client is aggressive, a colleague disrespectful or your boss is being rude - don’t take it personally too quickly. Instead of thinking: “Why is he/she doing this to me?”, try to say “Let me understand why you believe this or want that.” Then, listen to the answer. Be curious instead of furious!

Lire la suite
  520 lectures
520 lectures

Tips & Co. #535 - Stop and Listen

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Most of us often face the same complaints or issues, day after day – we therefore tend to stop listening and to begin offering solutions. 

But the customer has not yet reached the step of problem resolution, he wants to make you understand his point of view and feel that you are really listening. If you skip this step too quickly, the customer will refuse your solutions, will come back to his story, will put the emphasis on the negative aspects, etc.

Lire la suite
  508 lectures
508 lectures

Tips & Co. #534 - Measuring Daily Success

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Start measuring your success in time management – not in your daily level of busyness but in identifying the important tasks which were accomplished and your personal satisfaction.

Lire la suite
  550 lectures
550 lectures

Tips & Co. #533 - You Might Have Gone Through This

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Did you know that 80% of presented psychological harassment complaints at the workplace don’t meet essential criteria?  It’s a sign of an issue in business relation skills, such as respect of diversity, conflict management, open and honest communication, healthy competition, equity… A convivial working environment shows professional maturity and promotes individuals’ development.

Lire la suite
  501 lectures
501 lectures

Tips & Co. #532 - The importance of humility

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Research shows that humility helps build trust with colleagues. By admitting doubt or error and acknowledging mistakes, we are seen as trustworthy and competent.

Lire la suite
  601 lectures
601 lectures

Tips & Co. #531 - E-Manners

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Don’t answer a telephone call with an e-mail. Or an e-mail with a text message. Or a text with a social network message. In the communication hierarchy, you generally want to match the level of intimacy or move up the hierarchy – a move down can look dismissive or rude.

Lire la suite
  557 lectures
557 lectures

Tips & Co. #530 - What About the Easy Customers?

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We all have difficult customers, and we usually invest our best efforts (time, patience, energy, emotions, etc.) with them.  And the easy, friendly, nice customers? Well, we sometimes end up taking advantage of their good nature, investing less effort, because they will accept less effort.

Don’t forget to reward the people that make your work better and easier and treat your easy customer with care and effort.

Lire la suite
  537 lectures
537 lectures

Tips & Co. #529 - Under-promise and over-deliver

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One of the most effective rules you can use is to set realistic and sustainable deadlines. In other words, you should overestimate the time you need to complete a task. This will help you ensure that: (1) you will meet your deadline despite the unexpected, and; (2) you will be able to finish earlier and wow your manager, your customers, and your colleagues.

Lire la suite
  541 lectures
541 lectures

Tips & Co. #528 - The real relationship

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Give importance to the « real » professional relationship. Pay attention to the individual (client, colleague, etc.) who’s in front of you, by concentrating on the exchange. Ignore your phone, your emails, or any other distraction. Show professionalism, and that you’re serious and involved in your conversations.

Lire la suite
  533 lectures
533 lectures

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