Tips & Co. #519 - Celebrate your victories and reframe your defeats

It’s the end of the year, good or bad, satisfying or disappointing, it’s time to take a look back over the past year.

Being resilient means being able to see failures as lessons and opportunities for improvement.

Being able to accept your failures as easily as your victories is a sign of strong self-confidence - the kind of confidence that will not be eroded by setbacks, and that will encourage you to persevere in adversity.

Your failures are whispers telling you to try again, they serve as benchmarks for the rest of your journey.

They help you know which paths to avoid in the future, and they are the ones that allow you to turn back and go in the right direction.

Reframe these failures in a way that allows you to make changes and emerge stronger than before.

When you look at a situation from a different perspective, you can see many opportunities for success, growth, and development.

What a great opportunity to reset the dial in order to start the new year with strength, character, brio and conviction.

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