Tips & Co. #310 - Messy and cluttered desks

Mess can be a distraction and nothing that distracts allows an effective use of your time.

If your main workspace (physical or virtual) is messy, you’ll end up wasting time looking for things or constantly be distracted by non-priority tasks.

Remember that a cluttered desk translates to a cluttered mind. Don’t wait, get started on your Spring cleaning!

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  1718 lectures
1718 lectures

Tips & Co. #300 - The role of individual responsibility

Warren Bennis addressed the role of individual responsibility in becoming a better leader when he said: “The leader never lies to himself, especially about himself, knows his flaws as well as his assets, and deals with them directly.  You are your own raw material. When you know what you consist of and what you want to make of it, then you can invent yourself.”

Bennis, Warren (1989). On becoming a leader

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  1681 lectures
1681 lectures