Tips & Co. #237 - Coping with the fear of public speaking

If speaking in public causes you anxiety and concern, make an effort to stop thinking about yourself, your nervousness, and your fear.

Instead, focus on your audience: what you're saying is "about them." Remember that you're trying to help them in some way, and your message is more important than your fear.

Concentrate on your audience's wants and needs, instead of your own.

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  2201 lectures
2201 lectures

Tips & Co. #229 - The presentation Myth

They ask you to give a presentation to your customers, peers or superiors because you have the knowledge in the subject; you do it every day, you master it and you are known to be the one …
the expert in the attic!

You give your presentation and you realize that you are not reaching your audience. You are hiding behind your expertise and none of it means anything. You are giving a long one-sided conversation.
You are just giving a monologue.

Great presentations don't come out of nowhere. It requires preparation, refinement, revision, practice … and the skill to interact with the people you seek to change.

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  2382 lectures
2382 lectures

Tips & Co. #220 - Judging a book by its cover

It’s not politically correct to judge a person by how they look, but we should give our appearance as much preparation time as we do our speech for that important presentation. Think about how you want to come across. What impression you want to give. What should you wear to reinforce this message?

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  2576 lectures
2576 lectures

Tips & Co. #180 - The memory gap

The best way to avoid the memory gap during a speech is to build a presentation whose thread takes a high degree of internal logic without requiring memorization. In case of an oversight, it should not stop the flow of the presentation to gain in completeness. The audience generally has not noticed the oblivion because the presenter is the only one who knows all the points he wants to present.

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  2518 lectures
2518 lectures

Tips & Co. #169 - Influencing your audience

Whether you are speaking to a large group or having an individual meeting, your oral presentation is a key communication tool. You can be an expert in your field, but if you cannot convey your ideas, you will unlikely succeed in influencing your audience.

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  2644 lectures
2644 lectures

Tips & Co. #166 - Stage Fright

Stage fright is not always a disability, it can be used to your advantage. Fear triggers your defense mechanisms for channeling all the attention and energy toward a single goal. Secretion of adrenaline increases the speed with which you think, which puts you in a good position to structure your ideas, finding the right word or an ingenious answer. Too many jitters can undermine a presentation, but a bit of stage fright can put all your senses in alert and enhance your performance.

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  3290 lectures
3290 lectures