Tips & Co. #363 - Workplace ethics is...


Committing ourselves to handling our professional practices with the highest standards of integrity on a daily basis. Ethics represent putting principles into practice; they represent the absence of a difference between what we claim as our values and what our actions say about our values.

In other words, ethics mean...

Not doing what you have the power to do. An action is not appropriate just because it is permitted or because you can do it without getting caught.
Not doing what you are allowed to do. There is a significant difference between what you have the right to do and what is the right thing to do.
Not doing what you want to do. A person who demonstrates ethical values often chooses to do more than the law requires and less than the law allows.

Trucs & Astuces #364 - Pourquoi développer sa sens...
Trucs & Astuces #363 - L’éthique au travail c’est ...

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