Tips & Co. #417 - Dress codes and professional image

Dress codes have been relaxed to the point that we don’t know what to wear anymore. Dressing for work is a problem going beyond the simple “What am I going to wear today?”. You’d be interested to know that in a business setting, your outfit can be read as an indicator of your judgment – Although a nice outfit won’t get you promoted or respectedthe wrong ones cansure get in your way.

Your goal when dressing for work is to project a professional, competent image, regardless of your employment level or career path. Professional image is mainly defined by the sector in which you work. When picking out your outfit carefully gauge the situation, the client, and the location. Assess the nature of your professionyour employer’s dress code and know the guidelines.

Trucs & Astuces #418 - Mettre un terme à la conver...
Trucs & Astuces #417 - L’image professionnelle et ...

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