Tips & Co. #385 - Professional skills of the 21st century

There is an international classification of the 21st century professional skills. Among them we find the famous 4 “C”. Those skills are not only "Soft" skills but are (at least today) the advantage of humans over machines.

Those 4 “C” are:

  • A Critical mind to solve complex problems and to challenge information not always reliable;
  • Creativity to offer innovative products and services or to find more effective new methods;
  • Communication to convey ideas fast and clearly, which involves factoring each interlocutors’ and environment’s own characteristics, for a pertinent communication;
  • and finally, Collaboration to learn with others, enhancing skills rapidly and fostering team effectiveness.

Source: OCDE (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

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Trucs & Astuces #385 - Les compétences professionn...

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