Tips & Co. #366 - When in Doubt - Ask for Help

When you do not understand something, or do not see something the same way as the person you are talking to, ask the person to explain. This is probably the most effective, straightforward and direct way to understand the other person. Simply asking: “Help me understand why you see the situation like this/why do you want that” is enough. Yet this is probably the least common method and instead we try to guess what is happening as if we can earn “bonus points” by figuring it out on our own.

Being ready and able to see the world from multiple perspectives is a desirable skill and you can use it all the time, in any situation. When people feel understood, they are more inclined to want to understand you as well - and that is how you can begin to build a cooperative and collaborative environment.

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1707 lectures

Tips & Co. #360 - Rudeness can take many forms

Rudeness is generally defined as a display of disrespect, a breaking of social norms or expectations, a breach of etiquette, or ignoring "accepted" behavior. It can also mean someone behaving inconsiderately, aggressively or deliberately offensively.

The word "accepted" is important, because rudeness can mean different things to different people, or within different organizations or environments. For example, shouting and swearing might be considered normal in a busy restaurant kitchen or on a construction site, but it would be regarded as inappropriate and unacceptable in most offices.

Similarly, there can be cultural differences to consider. For example, in Japan, something as seemingly innocent as laughing with your mouth open is a no-no. So, it's important to be aware of possible cultural faux pas, especially if you are working with a culturally diverse team.

Rudeness can be a way of displaying power, trying to get your own way, or provoking a reaction. It can also be a response to stress, pressure, frustration, or some other form of unhappiness and may lead to aggressive and bullying behavior.

According to a study in the Academy of Management Journal, rudeness can seriously damage team morale and performance, reduce helpfulness and collaboration, and negatively impact workplace productivity and relationships.

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1804 lectures

Tips & Co. #341 - What is a Culture of Care in customer service?

A culture of care and service is created by instigating people to inspire each other and encouraging leadership within.

Where people believe in what they do, and do what it takes. Where people take a stance with boldness and grit.

A culture of care and service is a mindset that is hard to create but that lasts. It's tarnished by shortcuts and by inattention, and nurtured by constant training, investment and care.

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  1782 lectures
1782 lectures

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