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Tips & Co. #343 - Why should you fine-tune your vocabulary?

"That customer is always so ________ (picky, difficult, pushy, angry, etc.)" or "That colleague is always so ____________ stubborn, brash, arrogant, etc.)."

That label ricochets and keeps on bouncing back, until you are convinced that it is the true definition of that person.

But what if you could tweak those critical classifications and, in the process, the way you perceive those people?

Our brains can change in response to our thoughts through a process called neuroplasticity.

By refreshing your perceptions in how you interpret day-to-day life, you can make your brain a more inviting, benevolent place.

Change your vocabulary. Replace "Picky" by "Discerning", "Difficult" by "Demanding", "Stubborn" by "Steadfast", "Pushy" by "Passionate" or "Brash" by "Confident", etc. All it takes is a change of perspective, and people suddenly look different to you.

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