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Tips & Co. #422 - Dare to take the floor

If you are too shy to assert yourself and if your message is not well articulated, you are missing a lot of occasions and opportunities.


You may have the best ideas, but if you can’t communicate them effectively, you may put a lot more time and effort into persuading others compared to someone who knows how to speak with ease.

If fear, shyness, or stage fright stop you and prevent you from reaching your goals, the best way to do so is to leave your comfort zone and to put yourself out there. Intervene more often, express yourself at your next meeting… Be bold!

Speaking with confidence is a skill you learn … And like any other skill, it is mastered through practice.

Trucs & Astuces #423 - Tellement de compétences re...
Trucs & Astuces #422 - Oser prendre la parole

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