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Tips & Co. #426 - Etiquette in the workplace … Advice no.7

Be neat – Your work, workspace and your appearance should always be orderly. Being untidy, cluttered and unkept sends a message that you don't really care how you look or whether it brings down the professional image of the office.

Be discreet – Keep your voice down and your personal phone calls private and wear headphones if you're playing music at work. If you have an open-space set-up don’t have calls on speaker phone. Be a good neighbor!

Be decent – Leave your personal grooming for home. Don’t floss, clean your ears, give yourself a manicure, put on make-up or clip your nails at the office. Personal grooming should be done at home or at least in the privacy of the bathroom.

Trucs & Astuces #427 - La coopération n’exclut pas...
Trucs & Astuces #426 - Étiquette au travail ... Co...

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