Tips & Co. #215 - Unsuccessful delegations?

Sometimes it’s the fault of the person completing the assignment, but more frequently, it’s the fault of the person giving the assignment.  Clarity (or lack of) is often the culprit.

Clarity of objective – What exactly is it that needs to be done?  Is the assignment as clear as it ought to be? 

Clarity of responsibility – Whose assignment is it?  Who does what?

Clarity of time – How quick is quick?  Is it a day? A week? By a specific date? 

Clarity of communication – What is intended is not always what is understood by the other.  Delegations repeatedly fail due to faulty communication. 

While those executing an assignment have the responsibility to deliver a quality result, those making the delegation have the responsibility to ensure that the assignment is clear.

Trucs & Astuces #215 - Déléguer sans succès?
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