
Tips & Co. #78 - Being Coherent

Coherence between verbal and non-verbal makes us more authentic. If the verbal message is in contradiction with the non-verbal expression, we tend to ...
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  2538 lectures
2538 lectures

Tips & Co. #77 - Being Professionnal

The term « professional » is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as « characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a ...
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  2860 lectures
2860 lectures

Tips & Co. #76 - The Importance of Persisting

When you are good at what you do – persist! Many really good hardworking people don't get lucky on their first shot at success/promotion/recognition, ...
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  2248 lectures
2248 lectures

Tips & Co. #75 - Think before Sending

When in a delicate situation, resist the urge to send a message right after writing it. Save your email in your draft folder and let a few hours pass ...
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  2246 lectures
2246 lectures

Tips & Co. #74 - Some Days are Harder than Others

When dealing with a difficult customer give them your undivided attention. Ask open-ended questions; your customer will feel heard and more inclined t...
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  2308 lectures
2308 lectures

Tips & Co. #73 - Online vs Offline

Online communication is not a substitute for human communication. It does not replace meeting in person, a detailed letter or an interactive conversat...
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  3207 lectures
Mots-clés :
3207 lectures

Tips & Co. #72 - The Surprising Truth About Phobias

The 10 Most Frequent Phobias 1. Social Phobia - Fear of interacting with people2. Agoraphobia - Fear of crowds 3. Emetophobia - Fear of vomiting4. Ere...
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  2837 lectures
2837 lectures

Tips & Co. #71 - Your Memory is Not Failing You!

Ever walk into someone’s office and forget why you came? Blame the doorway. Research has shown that doorways serve as "event boundaries": because the ...
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  2544 lectures
2544 lectures

Tips & Co. #70 - The Postprandial Dip

Endocrinologists call it "Postprandial dip", you may call it the "mild coma" that usually occurs 2 hours after a meal. It is caused by a drop in our g...
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  7445 lectures
7445 lectures

Tips & Co. #69 - The Habit

"Choose what is best; habit will soon render it agreaable and easy."  - Pythagoras 
  2696 lectures
2696 lectures

Tips & Co. #68 - Go with the Flow

Find common ground with your opponents. Instead of swimming against the current, swim with it and redirect it. 
  2535 lectures
2535 lectures

Tips & Co. #67 - Shift Your Perspective

Don't take complaints personally - process them professionally! The client is not angry at you; you are rarely directly concerned. He is andry at a si...
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  2642 lectures
2642 lectures

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