
Tips & co. #258 - People size you up in seconds

Harvard Business School social psychologist professor Amy Cuddy says people judge you based on 2 criteria when they first meet you: * Can I trust this...
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  2330 lectures
2330 lectures

Tips & Co. #257 - Identify the problem

This may sound simple, but problems with customers recurrently begin with simple misunderstandings on either or both sides. Make sure you fully unders...
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  2291 lectures
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2291 lectures

Tips & Co. #256 - Judge my resilience, not my successes

“Don’t judge me by my successes, judge me by the number of times I fell down and got back up again.”  Nelson Mandela
  1318 lectures
1318 lectures

Tips & Co. #255 - It takes 64 seconds

It takes 64 seconds to retrieve your train of thought after an interruption by an e-mail. (T. Jackson, PhD, Loughborough University) That means if you...
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  1865 lectures
1865 lectures

Tips & Co. #254 - Learning something new

Learning something new requires effort, time and is often frustrating. Once we get good enough, it's easy to get in the habit of giving a half effort,...
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  1584 lectures
1584 lectures

Tips & Co. #253 - It Only Takes One Person

Sometimes we lose sight of how much of a difference one person can make when it comes to customer service – in good ways and in bad. You can be that s...
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  1724 lectures
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1724 lectures

Tips & Co. #252 - The harder I work, the luckier I get

"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." Thomas Jefferson               ...
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  1474 lectures
1474 lectures

Tips & Co. #251- Our bubble

Behavioral scientists have found that about two to four feet (0.6 to 2 metres) is the accepted amount of personal space most North Americans need to f...
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  2540 lectures
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2540 lectures

Tips & Co. #250 - Going with the flow of your ultradian rhythms

Ultradian rhythms are the cycles of activity and rest that alternate during the day. Many of the functions of your body and brain are set for performa...
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  1608 lectures
1608 lectures

Tips & Co. #249 - Change the vibe

  The initial moments of an interaction can set the tone for the rest of the encounter. Make sure that you create a positive, professional and tr...
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  2426 lectures
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2426 lectures

Tips & Co. #248 - Before starting a rumour at work

An acquaintance of the great philosopher Socrates came one day to tell him what he had just heard about a friend. Before allowing him to tell his stor...
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  1586 lectures
1586 lectures

Tips & Co. #247 - Being a great team member

Do you want to be an active, effective team member and earn respect from your coworkers and your bosses?  Here are two things you have to do: 1. ...
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  2369 lectures
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2369 lectures

Tips & Co. #246 - It’s a non-issue - if you’re ready!

Tips & Co. #246 - It’s a non-issue - if you’re ready!
In Quebec, we have BIG winters! We get ready for the snow and cold. We take out our coats, our scarves, our mittens and our boots. We also take out ou...
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  1768 lectures
1768 lectures

Tips & Co. #245- Work Ethics

Tips & Co. #245- Work Ethics
Statements such as "I just work here”, "It’s not my responsibility" or "I’m just following orders" are the worst kind of ethical excuses since work et...
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  2565 lectures
2565 lectures

Tips & Co. #244 - Patience - a customer service skill that matters

Tips & Co. #244 - Patience - a customer service skill that matters
Patience is not only a virtue; it is a necessary skill in order to deliver excellent service. If you deal with customers on a daily basis, be sure to ...
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  2133 lectures
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2133 lectures

Tips & Co. #243 - Balance in your life

Tips & Co. #243 - Balance in your life
“Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them — work, family, health, friends and spirit and you’re keep...
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  2027 lectures
2027 lectures

Tips & Co. #242 - Influence vs Manipulation

Tips & Co. #242 - Influence vs Manipulation
When we want to influence, we absolutely should not be using strategies to deceive others because, in the long run, it hurts our reputation. We must p...
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  2245 lectures
2245 lectures

Tips & Co. #241 - The Feedback Objective

Tips & Co. #241 - The Feedback Objective
Feedback shouldn’t be a judgement on personality. It should be an objective message on behavior and its consequences – be it on a job well done or a s...
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  2536 lectures
2536 lectures

Tips & Co. #240 - Avoid Challenging Complaints

Tips & Co. #240 - Avoid Challenging Complaints
It’s easy and natural to want to tell a customer they are wrong in what they are saying. However, this won’t help you in your efforts to diffuse a cus...
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  2158 lectures
2158 lectures

Tips & Co. #239 - 2 steps when feeling overwhelmed

Tips & Co. #239 - 2 steps when feeling overwhelmed
When feeling overwhelmed, it’s tempting to respond by working harder. But humans are "cyclical" so working more doesn’t just make you miserable, it ma...
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  2288 lectures
2288 lectures

Tips & Co. #238 - Use calming and focusing techniques

Tips & Co. #238 - Use calming and focusing techniques
If customers get angry or start yelling, employ calming techniques to defuse the situation. Keeping your tone of voice even can compel someone who's s...
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  2113 lectures
2113 lectures

Tips & Co. #237 - Coping with the fear of public speaking

Tips & Co. #237 - Coping with the fear of public speaking
If speaking in public causes you anxiety and concern, make an effort to stop thinking about yourself, your nervousness, and your fear. Instead, focus ...
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  1903 lectures
1903 lectures

Tips & Co. #236 - When the customer is wrong

Tips & Co. #236 - When the customer is wrong
It's just about impossible to convince a customer that he's wrong. To argue until the customer says, "I was wrong and I will change my mind." It is mo...
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  2046 lectures
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2046 lectures

Tips & Co. #235 - Short-term gain, long-term pain

Tips & Co. #235 - Short-term gain, long-term pain
When decisions aren’t made, procrastination kicks in, nothing gets done and time is wasted. Avoidance uses up more time than actually making the decis...
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  2335 lectures
2335 lectures

Tips & Co. #234 - Diversity in the workplace

Tips & Co. #234 - Diversity in the workplace
Diversity is much broader than ethnicity, race or gender. Diversity is otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside ...
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  1965 lectures
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1965 lectures

Tips & Co. #233 - Workplace stress release

Tips & Co. #233 - Workplace stress release
Stress makes your body release out two hormones: cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals put your body into fight-or-flight mode, ratcheting up your ...
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  2105 lectures
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2105 lectures

Tips & Co. #232 - Customer service from the Inside-out

Tips & Co. #232 - Customer service from the Inside-out
John never includes the proper documentation when submitting his requests to accounting. Sam at shipping never answers the phone from customer service...
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  1925 lectures
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1925 lectures

Tips & Co. #231 - Effectiveness Vs Efficiency

Tips & Co. #231 - Effectiveness Vs Efficiency
“There is nothing quite so useless, as doing with great efficiency, something that should not be done at all.” ― Peter F. Drucker
  2177 lectures
Mots-clés :
2177 lectures

Tips & Co. #230 - Teamwork skills

Tips & Co. #230 - Teamwork skills
To work together successfully, team members must demonstrate a sense of cohesion. Cohesion emerges as team members exhibit the following skills: Openn...
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  2952 lectures
Mots-clés :
2952 lectures

Tips & Co. #229 - The presentation Myth

Tips & Co. #229 - The presentation Myth
They ask you to give a presentation to your customers, peers or superiors because you have the knowledge in the subject; you do it every day, you mast...
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  2095 lectures
2095 lectures

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