
Tips & Co. #493- So Little Time

Le client na pas toujours raison 1
Are all hours created equal? On our watches, yes, but not necessarily in our minds: Upcoming events may alter the way we think about and use the prece...
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  962 lectures
962 lectures

Tips & Co. #270 - At the last minute

tete laby.jpg
It’s never good to do things at the last minute. You are powered by urgency and adrenaline.  It's loaded with risk and extra expense.  It is...
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  2203 lectures
2203 lectures

Tips & Co. #255 - It takes 64 seconds

It takes 64 seconds to retrieve your train of thought after an interruption by an e-mail. (T. Jackson, PhD, Loughborough University) That means if you...
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  1890 lectures
1890 lectures

Tips & Co. #239 - 2 steps when feeling overwhelmed

Tips & Co. #239 - 2 steps when feeling overwhelmed
When feeling overwhelmed, it’s tempting to respond by working harder. But humans are "cyclical" so working more doesn’t just make you miserable, it ma...
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  2304 lectures
2304 lectures

Tips & Co. #235 - Short-term gain, long-term pain

Tips & Co. #235 - Short-term gain, long-term pain
When decisions aren’t made, procrastination kicks in, nothing gets done and time is wasted. Avoidance uses up more time than actually making the decis...
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  2342 lectures
2342 lectures

Tips & Co. #226 - The never-ending team meetings

Tips & Co. #226 - The never-ending team meetings
Although you may not be in a position to have control of a meeting, you can always have control of your own time. The next time you are asked to atten...
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  2612 lectures
2612 lectures

Tips & Co. #223 - When saying "NO" is too difficult

Tips & Co. #223 - When saying "NO" is too difficult
Are you always saying "yes" to everyone else’s priorities instead of focusing on yours? You can’t protect your time unless you know how to decline req...
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  2162 lectures
2162 lectures

Tips & Co. #221 - The speedy email

Tips & Co. #221 - The speedy email
Try spending a few minutes organizing your thoughts before you begin writing that email. Though it will take a few minutes longer to do this, it will ...
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  2052 lectures
2052 lectures

Achieving Objectives - Going Beyond New Year's Resolutions!

Achieving Objectives - Going Beyond New Year's Resolutions!
The New Year is when many of us step back, take a good look at our lives and careers, and resolve to change things for the better.  We make a lis...
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  16785 lectures
16785 lectures

Tips & Co. #193 - Create a new morning routine

Research shows that chronic workplace stress typically begins at the beginning of the workday and then escalates as the day progresses. Interrupt the ...
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  2329 lectures
2329 lectures

Tips & Co. #191- Rearranging our prejudices

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices..."  - William James
  2330 lectures
2330 lectures

Tips & Co. #190 - Generate a positive impression

We all know the importance of first impressions. We also know that we will never have a second chance to make a good first impression and that impress...
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  2380 lectures
2380 lectures

Tips & Co. #189 - Do you have a "serviçocentriste" attitude?

Do you demonstrate your interest in the client?Do you ask the right questions and do you listen carefully?Are you patient, understanding and helpful?A...
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  2155 lectures
2155 lectures

Tips & Co. #184 - To reduce our worries

A theory states that doing anything over and over again gets you bored fast (like riding an elevator up and down again and again). You can do the same...
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  2462 lectures
2462 lectures

The Routine that Hinders our Effectiveness

The Routine that Hinders our Effectiveness
Despite your willingness, efforts, and your engagement to be effective, you will simply not succeed! Days come by and all look the same. You get in to...
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  3019 lectures
3019 lectures

Tips & Co. #173 - Engage in play

Playing unleashes creativity and innovation. It allows us to relax and energizes us, which helps us to discover new ways of thinking and solving probl...
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  3174 lectures
3174 lectures

Tips & Co. #172 - Loving working

The distinction between "Loving your work" and "Loving working." "I love my work" refers to enjoying the activity and the work itself. "I love to work...
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  2418 lectures
2418 lectures

Tips & Co. #158 - Minimize interruptions

Check emails only at predetermined specific times, so that your workflow is not continually interrupted by new email notifications.
  2193 lectures
2193 lectures

Tips & Co. #154 - A State of Mind

Efficiency is not always something we DO, but something we ARE. Efficiency is a state of mind. 
  2365 lectures
2365 lectures

Tips & Co. #150 - A Matter of Time

In a time where we are all in a rush and everything moves quickly, the clientele demands that service be rendered quicker and quicker. The keyword is ...
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  2279 lectures
2279 lectures

Tips & Co. #148 - Focusing on Opportunities

There will always be obstacles (Challenges, deadlines, limited resources, and people working against you), and there will always be opportunities (New...
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  2678 lectures
2678 lectures

Tips & Co. #146 - Autopilot Mode

In our work environment we are constantly submerged by information, solicitations, requests (pop-ups, interruptions, ringers, bips...) much of it is u...
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  2186 lectures
2186 lectures

Tips & Co. #145 - Useless Emails

Do not bombard your collaborators with useless email. If your exchanges go over three emails, think about changing your communication channel. A phone...
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  2795 lectures
2795 lectures

Tips & Co. #144 - Measuring Success

Start measuring success in terms of time management – not your daily level of « busy-ness » but by determining important tasks accomplished and your p...
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  2224 lectures
2224 lectures

Tips & Co. #140 - Achievement and Success

Achievement is not success. Achievement is a succession of failures and successes. Both teach us essential lessons and have their value. Succeeding is...
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  2397 lectures
2397 lectures

Tips & Co. #135 - More Time

It’s impossible to find "more" time! If you need time to do something important, you’ll have to make time by eliminating some activities that are of l...
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  2234 lectures
2234 lectures

Being Assertive - It's All About Respect!

Assertiveness is the ability to express our feelings, sensations, thoughts, opinions, convictions and preferences freely, openly and directly regardle...
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  20532 lectures
20532 lectures

Tips & Co. #133 - Creativity Booster

To close oneself in an office with earplugs allows to concentrate better, but does not allow to think better. A little bit of noise is even preferable...
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  2377 lectures
2377 lectures

Tips & Co. #126 - Creative Reflection

During waiting periods, take this opportunity to do some creative thinking. This practice will help you to be innovative in problem-solving, planning ...
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  2988 lectures
2988 lectures

Tips & Co. #123 - Managing Emails

Opening an email should be followed by an action : - Filing- Deleting- Replying- Planning to follow-up Deal with ALL emails until your inbox is empty!
  2599 lectures
2599 lectures

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Ville de Québec

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« C’est avec un grand professionnalisme que l’entreprise a offert une formation attrayante et de qualité à nos employés. Nous sommes particulièrement satisfaits des résultats obtenus grâce à cette intervention et il nous fera plaisir de retravailler avec Solutions & Co. dans l’avenir. »

Xavier Aymé, Chef des opérations | Mercator Canada Inc.

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