
Generations in Today's Workplace

Today’s workforce is more diverse than ever. An aspect of this diversity, among many others, is the age of workers. More generations interact in the s...
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  2679 lectures
Mots-clés :
2679 lectures

Tips & Co. #155 - Assert Yourself

Interpersonal conflict in the workplace often arises when one doesn’t feel valued, appreciated, or respected. If that’s your situation, it’s your resp...
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  2284 lectures
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2284 lectures

Tips & Co. #152 - Why Soft Skills Matter

While your technical skills may get your foot in the door, your people skills are what open most of the doors to come. It's just not enough to be high...
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  2662 lectures
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2662 lectures

Tips & Co. #149 - The Real Relationship

Give importance to the « real » professional relationship. Pay attention to the individual (client, colleague, etc.) who’s in front of you, by concent...
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  2655 lectures
Mots-clés :
2655 lectures

Tips & Co. #148 - Focusing on Opportunities

There will always be obstacles (Challenges, deadlines, limited resources, and people working against you), and there will always be opportunities (New...
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  2670 lectures
2670 lectures

Tips & Co. #147 - Accepting

Serving clientele implies accepting others as they are and not how you would like them to be.
  2451 lectures
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2451 lectures

Tips & Co. #137 - Numbers

- 11,680: The number of emails sent by the average worker in a year. - 111 days: Average time spent yearly to manage email- 2 minutes: Average time to...
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  2507 lectures
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2507 lectures

Being Assertive - It's All About Respect!

Assertiveness is the ability to express our feelings, sensations, thoughts, opinions, convictions and preferences freely, openly and directly regardle...
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  20508 lectures
20508 lectures

Tips & Co. #134 - Most unproductive moment?

The least productive moment of the day: 2:55 pm! According to a British survey published in the Daily Mail, 2:55 pm is the most unproductive moment of...
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  2561 lectures
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2561 lectures

Tips & Co. #133 - Creativity Booster

To close oneself in an office with earplugs allows to concentrate better, but does not allow to think better. A little bit of noise is even preferable...
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  2362 lectures
2362 lectures

Tips & Co. #130 - Not Feeling Creative?

If you aren’t feeling creative, it could be a simple case of building your confidence. People who lack confidence also lack the skills to be creative ...
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  2236 lectures
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2236 lectures

Tips & Co. #125 - Negotiation

"He who makes the first offer has more chances to see the negotiation turn in his favor."  (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
  2510 lectures
Mots-clés :
2510 lectures

Empathy on the Workplace

Developing Empathy to Understand Others We all know individuals who lack empathy. Be it for their insensitivity when they make requests, or because th...
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  3185 lectures
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3185 lectures

Tips & Co. #118 - Being Creative

Take advantage of inevitable waits to engage in creative reflection. This trick will help you be more innovative in your problem-solving, planning and...
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  3093 lectures
3093 lectures

Tips & Co. #117 - Smile

Studies showed that smiling makes people feel happier. Smile and you’ll make everyone’s day a little brighter, especially yours.
  3146 lectures
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3146 lectures

Tips & Co. #116 - Measuring Daily Success

Start measuring your success in time management – not in your daily level of busyness but in identifying the important tasks which were accomplished a...
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  2478 lectures
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2478 lectures

Tips & Co. #115 - Successes and Failures

We tend to believe that achievements (diplomas, promotions, high income...) make us happy and successful, while failures, (not getting that job, losin...
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  2523 lectures
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2523 lectures

Tips & Co. #110 - The 20-20-20 Rule

“We blink up to two-thirds less often per minute when looking at a screen, which can dry out our eyes, causing irritation. To help maintain a healthy ...
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  2543 lectures
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2543 lectures

Tips & Co. #109 - Working Hard or Hardly Working?

Many people look for a magic formula to achieving something worthwhile in their life, but there is no magic formula, there is no secret. To achieve yo...
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  2666 lectures
Mots-clés :
2666 lectures

Tips & Co. #108 - A Smart Attitude to Have

Assertiveness is an important attitude to have in one’s professional life. An individual who is assertive remains calm and demonstrates positive body ...
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  5723 lectures
5723 lectures

Beware of Presenteeism - a Sign of Ineffiency!

The term “presenteeism” has been used widely in management magazines recently. It describes a situation in which we show up to work in a state where w...
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  4310 lectures
4310 lectures

Tips & Co. #107 - Managing Your Inbox

According to a study by the Observatoire de Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises in France (ORSE), 56% of employees spend over 2 hours a day manag...
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  3102 lectures
3102 lectures

Tips & Co. #106 - Choosing Your Words

Choosing your words wisely can make all the difference in how people perceive you. Instead of sounding like a complainer and a whiner by saying "I hav...
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  3126 lectures
Mots-clés :
3126 lectures

Tips & Co. #103 - Taking Control of the Situation

When negotiating (a sale, a raise, a promotion ...) learn to be comfortable with sitting in silence and taking your time to craft a thoughtful respons...
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  3102 lectures
3102 lectures

Tips & Co. #100 - Your Intention for 2014

A new year is beginning! What would you like to be this year? Yes, the question here is not what you would like to HAVE or DO, but what you want to BE...
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  3013 lectures
Mots-clés :
3013 lectures

Owning up to Change

We are very ambivalent when it comes to change. We constantly ask our surrounding environment (spouse, colleagues, children, politicians, bosses, etc....
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  4455 lectures
4455 lectures

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Xavier Aymé, Chef des opérations | Mercator Canada Inc.

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