
Tips & Co. #267 - Why Swap 'but' for 'and'

According to Professor Bernard Roth at Stanford, swapping one word for another could make all the difference in how you approach your goals. When you ...
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  1668 lectures
Mots-clés :
1668 lectures

Tips & Co. #240 - Avoid Challenging Complaints

Tips & Co. #240 - Avoid Challenging Complaints
It’s easy and natural to want to tell a customer they are wrong in what they are saying. However, this won’t help you in your efforts to diffuse a cus...
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  2158 lectures
2158 lectures

Tips & Co. #238 - Use calming and focusing techniques

Tips & Co. #238 - Use calming and focusing techniques
If customers get angry or start yelling, employ calming techniques to defuse the situation. Keeping your tone of voice even can compel someone who's s...
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  2113 lectures
2113 lectures

Tips & Co. #222 - Know how to handle customer complaints

Tips & Co. #222 - Know how to handle customer complaints
Customers who complain are actually giving you another opportunity to prove them that you really offer quality service despite a shortfall. Be prepare...
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  2031 lectures
2031 lectures

Tips & Co. #216 - Negativity

Tips & Co. #216 - Negativity
A single person with a poor attitude – someone who is chronically negative – can destroy the morale of an entire team if left unchecked. If that perso...
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  2245 lectures
2245 lectures

Tips & Co. #214 - Accepting feedback

Tips & Co. #214 - Accepting feedback
One way to deal with criticism and complaints is to not insist on proving your clients that you are right and they are wrong. It's tempting to challen...
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  1972 lectures
1972 lectures

Tips & Co. #211 - Blaming is useless

Tips & Co. #211 - Blaming is useless
Blaming is often a natural response when things go wrong. The biggest disappointment is that it doesn’t work. Nothing is as professional as the abilit...
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  2327 lectures
2327 lectures

Tips & Co. #205 - It’s not always about the win

Tips & Co. #205 - It’s not always about the win
We often get locked into arguments that hook our ego into trying to triumph over the other person (client, colleague, superior ...).  It is not a...
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  2353 lectures
2353 lectures

Tips & Co. #197 - Ungrateful customers

One of the most common reasons for customers to be ungrateful is that they start to perceive that you and the people they deal with just don't care. D...
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  2390 lectures
2390 lectures

Tips & Co. #192 - Dealing with a hysterical customer

The hysterical customer is usually someone who feels that there is no one on "his side", he has reached the end of his rope, and you have been unfortu...
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  2158 lectures
2158 lectures

Tips & Co. #181- Dusting yourself off

We all know the proverb: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."  But is it really better to be safe than sorry? We often try t...
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  2320 lectures
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2320 lectures

Tips & Co. #179 - The advantage of kindness

Research has shown that offering even a small act of kindness can boost oxytocin levels (known as the "feel-good" hormone). Meaning that even in a dif...
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  2291 lectures
2291 lectures

Tips & Co. #174 - Failure is an opportunity

Failure is uncomfortable. Each time we encounter failure, we learn about ourselves and what we have to overcome. Failure doesn’t mean that you failed ...
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  2391 lectures
Mots-clés :
2391 lectures

Tips & Co. #111 - Problem vs. Solution

A customer is angry due to a problem. Self-assurance allows you to avoid taking this anger personally. Keep in mind: You are not part of the problem, ...
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  3197 lectures
3197 lectures

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