
Tips & Co. #320 - Reclaiming Lost Time

By identifying 30 to 40 minutes every day and by using them more productively, you will add the equivalence of 20 8-hour days to your annual yield. &n...
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  1688 lectures
1688 lectures

Tips & Co. #319 - When compromise is not a desired approach

The compromise approach is relevant in the case of structural problems that relate to process, task, or content of work. They are concrete challenges,...
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  1451 lectures
1451 lectures

Tips & Co. #318 - Boredom

Studies suggest we get our most original and creative thoughts when we daydream. When we are bored we end up daydreaming and our mind wanders to seek ...
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  1288 lectures
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1288 lectures

Tips & Co. #317 - 5 Tips to be Mindful of Your Written Communication

1. Improve your writing skills. With the importance of technology and email correspondence, written communication has become more important than ever....
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  1413 lectures
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1413 lectures

Tips & Co. #316 - Verbal nods

When we want to show a customer that we are listening actively, we usually lean forward, smile, give eye contact, nod our head, move our eye brows, ma...
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  2286 lectures
2286 lectures

Tips & Co. #315 - Just do it!

When decisions aren’t made, procrastination kicks in, nothing gets done and time is wasted. Avoidance uses up more time than actually making the decis...
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  1562 lectures
Mots-clés :
1562 lectures

Tips & Co. #314 - Knowing how to take care of our team

Knowing how to take care of our team means to be in touch, to care, to consider, to take interest, to devote, to put oneself in others’ shoes, to show...
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  2104 lectures
Mots-clés :
2104 lectures

Tips & Co. #313 - Your attitude does the difference

At your job, it’s difficult to find the place where you can make a difference. There are probably people with more experience than you, more knowledge...
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  1556 lectures
Mots-clés :
1556 lectures

Tips & Co. #312 - Cultural differences … when «Yes» actually means «No»

When working with customers of different cultures we should be aware that the way we communicate and what we communicate can be interpreted differentl...
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  2000 lectures
2000 lectures

Tips & Co. #311 - Fear of escalation

In any organization of more than two people, there's the opportunity to escalate a problem. When the software doesn't work, or the customer is in a ja...
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  1784 lectures
1784 lectures

Tips & Co. #310 - Messy and cluttered desks

Mess can be a distraction and nothing that distracts allows an effective use of your time. If your main workspace (physical or virtual) is messy, you’...
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  1415 lectures
1415 lectures

Tips & Co. #309 - From a group to… teamwork

A team is not automatically effective just because a group of competent and talented people is called to work together. Groups must go through essenti...
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  1974 lectures
1974 lectures

Tips & Co. #308 - Sailing vs Floating

Seth Godin said it so well in his post titled:  Without a sail. " A sailboat without a sail might float. For a long time, in fact. But without a ...
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  1522 lectures
1522 lectures

Tips & Co. #307 - The Importance of Active Listening

Our education has always prioritized reading, writing and conversation as the main communication skills, and left listening skills behind. Most people...
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  1654 lectures
1654 lectures

Tips & Co. #305 - Someone to care

Organizations keep making big promises, and service providers struggle to keep those promises. Sooner or later, it leads to a situation where a broken...
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  1605 lectures
1605 lectures

Tips & Co. #304 - Turn discomfort into success

Change is inevitable, and the key to turning that initial discomfort into success is to accept and adapt. Remember that you can’t control everything a...
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  1535 lectures
1535 lectures

Tips & Co. #306 - Synergy is … 1+1=3

” Synergy is producing a third alternative – not my way, not your way, but a third way that is better than either of us would come up with individuall...
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  3112 lectures
3112 lectures

Tips & Co. #303 - Empathy is hard

To empathize with others is a hard thing to do.  We're not born emphatics, therefore it's not our first instinct. We are simply not wired to walk...
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  1722 lectures
1722 lectures

Tips & Co. #302 - Defining feedback

Feedback is a conscious and judicious response to someone’s actions, results, methods, attitudes and behaviour - it’s communication that gives informa...
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  2343 lectures
2343 lectures

Tips & Co. #301- When you don’t know the answer

Now and then, you’ll find yourself in the situation where you are asked a question to which you don’t know the answer. You don’t want to appear incomp...
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  2056 lectures
2056 lectures

Tips & Co. #300 - The role of individual responsibility

Warren Bennis addressed the role of individual responsibility in becoming a better leader when he said: “The leader never lies to himself, especially ...
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  1379 lectures
1379 lectures

Tips & Co. #299 - The strength in compromise

As a team player, you will not always get to do things your way. Many people allow their ego to get in the way of compromise by seeing it as a weaknes...
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  2327 lectures
2327 lectures

Tips & Co. #297 - Calling fear by its name

Highly successful people view reaching out to receive support as a strength. Also, successful people label fear by its name. They don’t bother calling...
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  1556 lectures
1556 lectures

Tips & Co. #296 - The phone is not dead

Email seems to be the chosen professional tool of communication for most of us. It gives us time to think. It’s quick and concise. And most importantl...
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  1874 lectures
1874 lectures

Tips & Co. #298 - I apologize for our mistake, let me make it right!

We all try to do things right. No one sets out to do wrong when servicing customers. But mistakes do happen. When this happens, so does the opportunit...
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  1460 lectures
1460 lectures

Tips & Co. #295 - The “Performance” Break

During our work days, we are constantly solicited by emails, tasks, deadlines to the point of getting completely saturated. With a sometimes superhuma...
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  1831 lectures
1831 lectures

Tips & Co. #294 - Great team members don’t stay in the shadows

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Everyone wishes to be part of a great team in their workplace. Because great teams have the energy, drive and means to strive for excellence and succe...
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  1849 lectures
1849 lectures

Tips & Co. #293 - The five pillars of fulfillment

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Which personality traits will make you a happy and accomplished person? Psychologists from University of London have identified the “life skills” of t...
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  1853 lectures
1853 lectures

Tips & Co. #292 - The two dimensions of interpersonal communication

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Interpersonal communication includes two dimensions: the explicit content dimension and the relational dimension that conveys meaning tied to the affe...
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  12563 lectures
12563 lectures

Tips & Co. #291 - How to Prove a Customer Wrong

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As part of a search term analysis from our users, we found this question: How do we prove a Customer wrong? It’s always surprising to see that we’re s...
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  1788 lectures
1788 lectures

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Xavier Aymé, Chef des opérations | Mercator Canada Inc.

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