
Tips & Co. #437 - In "problem solving" mode

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When you run into a problem, try to think of at least two possible solutions before you take that to your boss.Don’t cultivate a reputation for being ...
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  713 lectures
713 lectures

Tips & Co. #436 - The practice of patience

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Deliberately practice patience - with your customers, with your colleagues, with your bosses, with yourself.Dare yourself to hang in there for another...
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  710 lectures
710 lectures

Tips & Co. #435 - Embrace your envy

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.There are two distinct kinds of envy: malicious and benign.Malicious envy is bitter and biting, is driven by a need to make things equal, and stifles...
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  774 lectures
774 lectures

Tips & Co. #434 - Cure your emails

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The writing style you use in your emails is a reflection of your image.Think and carefully proofread what you have written before hitting that send bu...
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  758 lectures
758 lectures

Tips & Co. #433 - Dealing with complaints

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Always respond to complaints and inform customers of the steps being taken to correct the problems they encountered.By placing more emphasis on t...
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  704 lectures
704 lectures

Tips & Co. #432 - Do you always say "Yes" ?

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Say yes to every request and you will soon be buried in work.Don’t try to please everyone. Set priorities and make a plan. Estimate how long each task...
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  749 lectures
749 lectures

Tips & Co. #431 - The benefits of humility

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Research shows that humility helps build trust between colleagues. By admitting doubt or error and acknowledging mistakes, we are seen as trustworthy ...
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  780 lectures
780 lectures

Tips & Co. #430 - Stress... right or left ?

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Relieve your stress by identifying which hemisphere of your brain is being solicited. If you feel depressed or excessively emotional, your stress orig...
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  748 lectures
748 lectures

Tips & Co. #429 - Listening and efficiency

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Weak listening is one of the biggest challenges to efficient time management. On average, people have a listening efficiency ratio of 25%.Increase you...
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  887 lectures
887 lectures

Tips & Co. #428 - Daily gestures

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Deeds, not words, show customers that they are valued. Everyday actions are required to keep good customer service alive.Customer service is, after al...
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  779 lectures
779 lectures

Tips & Co. #427 - Cooperation does not exclude disagreements

Cooperating means committing, uniting, and collaborating with coworkers or other teams to solve an issue collectively. When disagreements emerge, they...
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  809 lectures
809 lectures

Tips & Co. #426 - Etiquette in the workplace … Advice no.7

Be neat – Your work, workspace and your appearance should always be orderly. Being untidy, cluttered and unkept sends a message that you don't re...
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  768 lectures
768 lectures

Tips & Co. #425 - Brownout: The withdrawal-from-work syndrome

Although it is lesser known than “burn-out” or “bore-out”, “brown-out” is no less a danger to workers. It is the manifestation of professional exhaust...
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  821 lectures
821 lectures

Tips & Co. #424 - The 4 Principles of Communication

Effective communication is a connection between people that allows for the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and ideas, and leads to mutual understandin...
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  739 lectures
739 lectures

Tips & Co. #423 - So many required skills to gain customer loyalty

Nowadays consumers seek a more and more satisfying experience and, in order to gain their loyalty, the staff must go beyond simply taki...
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  836 lectures
836 lectures

Tips & Co. #422 - Dare to take the floor

If you are too shy to assert yourself and if your message is not well articulated, you are missing a lot of occasions and opportunities.   You ma...
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  960 lectures
960 lectures

Tips & Co. #421 - Enjoyment in the workplace – the corporate atmosphere

A work environment fostering enjoyment stands out by its positive energy. Nowadays people seek for more than money in their work. They want ...
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  681 lectures
681 lectures

Tips & Co. #420 - Bore-out: The work-boredom syndrome

Bore-out, also known as occupational exhaustion syndrome caused by boredom at work, seems to be the opposite of burn-out, yet it also leads to psychol...
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  934 lectures
934 lectures

Tips & Co. #419 - Ditch your assumptions

When you are about to have a delicate conversation, whether it is with a colleague, a customer or your superior, it is important that y...
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  699 lectures
699 lectures

Tips & Co. #418 - Ending the conversation with talkative customers.

Some people are just born to talk. They don’t even mind if you’re not really listening so long as they’re talking. So, they talk and talk an...
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  767 lectures
767 lectures

Tips & Co. #417 - Dress codes and professional image

Dress codes have been relaxed to the point that we don’t know what to wear anymore. Dressing for work is a problem ...
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  813 lectures
813 lectures

Tips & Co. #416 - Does your team have rules and standards?

This question refers to working methods that help seta certain number of rules in order to work as a team.The method illustrates the pa...
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  819 lectures
819 lectures

Tips & Co. #415 - Burnout: The work-exhaustion syndrome

The phenomenon of occupational pathologies began in industrialized countries with the "burn-out", which is a manifestation of a state of physical, men...
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  899 lectures
899 lectures

Tips & Co. # 414 - Cultivate cultural awareness

Cultural awareness is the understanding of the differences between oneself and people from other countries or environments, especially difference...
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  1064 lectures
1064 lectures

Tips & Co. #413 - What defines an exceptional service?

Remember your experiences in customer service, as a customer, and what made them so good (or bad!). In terms of customer service, we mostly remem...
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  823 lectures
823 lectures

Tips & Co. #412 - Mental imagery serving performance

Mental imagery is a mental training technique that productive people use to prepare for action, repeating and training their thoughts, feelings and be...
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  764 lectures
764 lectures

Tips & Co. #411 - Angry customers – safety first!

It is very important to maintain a safe environment. What can you do to secure your environment against angry customers' physical aggression? •Pl...
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  796 lectures
796 lectures

Tips & Co. #410 - Enjoyment in the workplace – personal intention

People striving to make their work fun enjoy it more. They tell jokes, give themselves personal challenges, have a positive attitudeat work, or e...
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  880 lectures
880 lectures

Tips & Co. #409 - Am I conscientious or perfectionist?

The conscientious person sets themselves standards of excellence that are humanly possible to reach. They know how to balance out their efforts and de...
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  881 lectures
881 lectures

Tips & Co. #408 - Communication is by its nature a source of unintended ambiguities and distortions

How many times have we been certain of what we have said, yet so surprised when we realize how the receiver has understood or interpreted our words?In...
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  1091 lectures
1091 lectures

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