
Tips & Co. #497- Everyone has their prejudices

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An unconscious bias is a quick and often erroneous judgment based on limited facts and our own experiences. This judgment may give individuals and gro...
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  388 lectures
388 lectures

Tips & Co. #496- The secret to change

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The secret to change is to focus your energy on creating something new, not on fighting the old. Dan Millman Artist, writer, record man, sportsman
  725 lectures
Mots-clés :
725 lectures

Tips & Co. #495- Saying NO

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Saying no should be a moment of empowerment, when you take responsibility for yourself and resist the pressure, or the urge, to satisfy someone else i...
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  344 lectures
Mots-clés :
344 lectures

Tips & Co. #494- Personalization Goes a long way!

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A personal touch is the best way to let your customers know that they are a priority. When you talk to a customer, remember their name, and use it thr...
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  344 lectures
Mots-clés :
344 lectures

Tips & Co. #493- So Little Time

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Are all hours created equal? On our watches, yes, but not necessarily in our minds: Upcoming events may alter the way we think about and use the prece...
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  937 lectures
937 lectures

Tips & Co. #492- Stereotypes or prejudices?

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Stereotypes and prejudices are often considered to be the same thing, but they influence our behaviour differently. Stereotype (Conscious bias)A false...
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  441 lectures
Mots-clés :
441 lectures

Tips & Co. #491- Work before passion

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“Offer me something I’m passionate about and I’ll show up with all of my energy, effort and care.” That’s a great way to hide. Because nothing is good...
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  380 lectures
Mots-clés :
380 lectures

Tips & Co. #490- Emails that are misinterpreted!

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You may have noticed that emails often involve misrepresentation, or misinterpretation? One of the reasons for this is that we don’t ensure understand...
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  360 lectures
Mots-clés :
360 lectures

Tips & Co. #489 - Fast Service May Not Always Be Ideal

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We keep hyping how much speed and fast replies matter in customer service. But...if that's your only focus, you're compromising on other customer serv...
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  370 lectures
370 lectures

Tips & Co. #488 - Do you need to change jobs - or do you just need a good night’s sleep?

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When we are tired, we are less well equipped to deal with life. Sleep deprivation can affect our ability to control and regulate our emotions, as well...
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  533 lectures
Mots-clés :
533 lectures

Tips & Co. #487 - There is an optimal balance between the number of positive and negative feedback you give

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John Gottman, the relationship researcher, observed that married couples had a healthier relationship when the balance between positive and negative a...
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  394 lectures
Mots-clés :
394 lectures

Tips & Co. #486 - The winter blues

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As the days grow darker and colder, many of us experience the winter blues, triggered by scant sunlight. The lack of light seems to shift our circadia...
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  460 lectures
Mots-clés :
460 lectures

Tips & Co. #485 - When communicating - Make sure you are understood.

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According to George Bernard Shaw, the main problem in communication is the illusion that it took place. Very often, when it comes to communication, an...
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  1000 lectures
1000 lectures

Tips & Co. #484 - Automation and customer service

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Automation and artificial intelligence are hot topics in all industries, and customer service is no exception. But when customers hear “customer servi...
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  1053 lectures
1053 lectures

Tips & Co. #483 - Why you should stop multitasking…

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Multitasking at work can lower a person’s IQ by ten points, which is equivalent to losing a night’s sleep and twice the effect of smoking marijuana. B...
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  533 lectures
Mots-clés :
533 lectures

Tips & Co. #482 - Learn to recognize signs of conflict from a distance

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In remote work environments - where you are generally not regularly exposed to non-verbal communication signals from team members - it can be easy to ...
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  994 lectures
Mots-clés :
994 lectures

Tips & Co. #481 - Creating discomfort …

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If you are looking to create positive change at work, it is likely that you will also create discomfort. Normally, when we want to suggest/impose/appl...
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  354 lectures
Mots-clés :
354 lectures

Tips & Co. #480 - I hear you!

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Faces can provide vital clues about a person’s mood, but the most reliable way to ‘’read’’ someone may simply be to listen to them. Yale psychologist ...
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  529 lectures
529 lectures

Tips & Co. #479 - How do you respond to a “Thank you”?

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When a customer thanks you for your service, avoid answering “No problem” … Even if your intention is good, some customers may be offended. They may w...
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  634 lectures
Mots-clés :
634 lectures

Tips & Co. #478 Do you often say “I don’t have time”?

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We all have the same amount of time available: 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week. Yet, some people succeed in achieving their goals and others still ru...
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  459 lectures
Mots-clés :
459 lectures

Tips & Co. #477 - Taming the feeling of proximity

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Psychological distance is the perception of how close an individual is to another person, group, or organization. This is a perception that can only b...
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  458 lectures
Mots-clés :
458 lectures

Tips & Co. #476 - Never stop learning…

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Studies show that lifelong learning benefits us beyond the skills we acquire. The act of learning is just as important as what you learn. Believing th...
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  359 lectures
Mots-clés :
359 lectures

Tips & Co.#475 - Contextualizing remote communication

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When you communicate remotely, you never know exactly what the other person is doing at that moment. A person can answer your question with a simple “...
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  399 lectures
399 lectures

Tips & Co.#474 - The customer is not always right …

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Obviously, you can prove your point, and even have the last word. Maybe you’re even in the right. However, right or wrong, your efforts will be in vai...
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  1185 lectures
Mots-clés :
1185 lectures

Tips & Co. #473 - Perception and impression

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Anybody (even outside your professional life) who gets to interact with you has an opinion of you (whether they actually have experienced you or not) ...
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  669 lectures
669 lectures

TIps & Co. #472 - Earning trust

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Your experience, your knowledge, and even your expertise, are insufficient to get the credibility you seek to influence others - they need to trust yo...
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  530 lectures
530 lectures

Tips & Co. #471 - Mistakes

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Everyone makes mistakes.What's important is how you respond to them and what you learn from them.US President Ronald Reagan said: "What should happen ...
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  497 lectures
497 lectures

Tips & Co. #470 - The stunning truth about phobias

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The 10 Most Frequent PhobiasSOCIAL PHOBIA – Fear of interacting with peopleAGORAPHOBIA – Fear of crowdsEMETOPHOBIA – Fear of vomitingEREUTHOPHOBIA – F...
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  592 lectures
592 lectures

Tips & Co. #469 - What about the easy clients ?

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We all have difficult customers and we usually invest our best efforts (time, patience, energy, emotions, etc.) in them. And the easy, friendly, ...
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  560 lectures
560 lectures

Tips & Co. #468 - Defining the important

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"It is not until you have a burning yes inside of you about what is truly important that you can pleasantly, smilingly, cheerfully, say no to all of t...
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  725 lectures
725 lectures

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