
Tips & Co. #408 - Communication is by its nature a source of unintended ambiguities and distortions

How many times have we been certain of what we have said, yet so surprised when we realize how the receiver has understood or interpreted our words?In...
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  961 lectures
961 lectures

Tattoos in the Work Place: is it Still a Taboo Topic?

Tattoos, once associated with rebellion, crimes, delinquency, gang membership, and machismo, has now become a modern phenomenon of self affirmation an...
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  2019 lectures
2019 lectures

Tips & Co. #352 - What is ‘Paraphrasing’?

Paraphrasing involves making sure that you understand the other person's words by using different words. This is not rephrasing, because the idea is t...
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  1383 lectures
1383 lectures

Tips & Co. #316 - Verbal nods

When we want to show a customer that we are listening actively, we usually lean forward, smile, give eye contact, nod our head, move our eye brows, ma...
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  2176 lectures
2176 lectures

Tips & Co. #296 - The phone is not dead

Email seems to be the chosen professional tool of communication for most of us. It gives us time to think. It’s quick and concise. And most importantl...
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  1749 lectures
1749 lectures

Tips & Co. #292 - The two dimensions of interpersonal communication

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Interpersonal communication includes two dimensions: the explicit content dimension and the relational dimension that conveys meaning tied to the affe...
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  12386 lectures
12386 lectures

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