Tips & Co. #349 - Why is teamwork so effective?

The human mind is an outstanding problem solver but a less impressive storage device. We can hold, according to some estimates, about 1 gigabyte of memory, maybe as much as 10. But our minds are not computers. They don’t rely entirely on memory and objectiveness, as a machine must, but on pattern recognition and insight.

Most of our knowledge resides outside of our heads -in our bodies, in the environment, and most crucially, in other people. In other words, the world is part of our memory.

We don’t necessarily have all the knowledge, but we know where the information is, and we know how to access it or retrieve it.

We have a social brain, we are not built to rely on a single mind. We have succeeded as species because of how well communities of brains work together and of how we share intentionality. We are collectively capable of brilliance.

If we can’t make use of other’s people knowledge, we can’t succeed. We can barely function.

Psychology Today 2017

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  1454 lectures
1454 lectures

Tips & Co. #339 - Why work as a team?

There is an African proverb that says: “Alone, I go faster; together, we go further”. A team goes further and is more successful than a single individual when the task at hand is complex, the procedure is unclear or when more than one skill is required.

Working as a team is an asset when what is required is:

  • - Creativity
  • - Cooperation
  • - Innovation
  • - Results
  • - Effectiveness

However, a team is not built by simply grouping people together. The members of a successful team volunteer their skills. There is a synergy created through the relationship that is established between team members, both at the organizational and the relational level, that allows everyone to go beyond their individual limitations.

It's just like a synchronized swimming team where members swim together! It might take longer to master, but it’s definitely more impressive.

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  2228 lectures
2228 lectures

Tips & Co. #309 - From a group to… teamwork

A team is not automatically effective just because a group of competent and talented people is called to work together.

Groups must go through essential evolution that will start by a grouping of individuals – to arrive at a fully developed and successful team.

When people come together to create a team, it starts with a group of people, each with their own vision, their own ideas, and their own agenda. Then, they start to develop common goals and, by uniting their efforts to reach success, they become a group. It is only once they are entirely united and integrated and they feel all responsible for the results that they can call themselves a “team”.

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  2066 lectures
2066 lectures

Tips & Co. #294 - Great team members don’t stay in the shadows

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Everyone wishes to be part of a great team in their workplace. Because great teams have the energy, drive and means to strive for excellence and succeed. 

But if you want to be part of an awesome team, you have to be, first and foremost, an outstanding team player.

Team players are genuinely committed to their organization, to their team and its members. They involve others and are involved. They show up and are generous with their knowledge and skills. They come prepared and are problem-solvers.

It is not enough to just sit quietly and get your work done… and it’s definitely not in your interest if you want to be part of a great team.

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  1951 lectures
1951 lectures

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