Tips & Co. #294 - Great team members don’t stay in the shadows

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Everyone wishes to be part of a great team in their workplace. Because great teams have the energy, drive and means to strive for excellence and succeed. 

But if you want to be part of an awesome team, you have to be, first and foremost, an outstanding team player.

Team players are genuinely committed to their organization, to their team and its members. They involve others and are involved. They show up and are generous with their knowledge and skills. They come prepared and are problem-solvers.

It is not enough to just sit quietly and get your work done… and it’s definitely not in your interest if you want to be part of a great team.

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« Vraiment une formation extraordinaire, et habituellement, je suis très critique! Tout le personnel devrait suivre cette formation, il y aurait un gain d’efficacité! »

Ville de Québec

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« C’est avec un grand professionnalisme que l’entreprise a offert une formation attrayante et de qualité à nos employés. Nous sommes particulièrement satisfaits des résultats obtenus grâce à cette intervention et il nous fera plaisir de retravailler avec Solutions & Co. dans l’avenir. »

Xavier Aymé, Chef des opérations | Mercator Canada Inc.

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