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Tips & Co. #329 - The Stand-Up Meeting

The stand-up meeting consists in having team meetings standing up. No tables, no chairs, no laptop. We gather around standing in a circle to discuss the team’s tasks.

The benefits? We become more effective as the standing position encourages us to go straight to the point.

These meetings can be organized with a very simple agenda:   3 questions to be answered by each participant.

  1. What did I do yesterday?
  2. What will I do today?
  3. What are the challenges?

15 minutes are enough to check in in a productive and effective manner. You then avoid never-ending meetings and discussions that drag on and instead focus on energetic exchanges.

However, the stand-up meeting does not suit every type of meeting. It facilitates daily team check-ins but is less appropriate in the case of strategy meetings that require note-taking and the use of presentation materials.

Trucs & Astuces #330 - Êtes-vous professionnel?
Trucs & Astuces #329 - Le "Stand-up meeting"

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