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Tips & Co. #210 - The 1% who don’t appreciate you

Tips & Co. #210 - The 1% who don’t appreciate you

It’s essential that you satisfy your customers, but not every customer knows the value to your service or understands what it is that you do.

If 1% of your clientele doesn't appreciate your service, doesn't approve of what you are saying … You know what?  it's quite okay.

If you insist on getting every single customer to be satisfied by overcompensating, making exceptions, and overwhelming people with fine print, you've just signed up to disregard and alienate 99% of your customers.

Stop focusing on the 1%  at the expense of everyone else.

Trucs & Astuces #210 - Le 1% qui ne vous apprécie ...
Trucs & Astuces #209 - Sur-promettre

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