
Tips & Co. #281 - Foster originality and flexibility

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A broad array of psychologists, educators, and neuroscientists would like us to start recognizing creativity (defined as the production of something n...
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  1971 lectures
1971 lectures

Tips & Co. #246 - It’s a non-issue - if you’re ready!

Tips & Co. #246 - It’s a non-issue - if you’re ready!
In Quebec, we have BIG winters! We get ready for the snow and cold. We take out our coats, our scarves, our mittens and our boots. We also take out ou...
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  1756 lectures
1756 lectures

Tips & Co. #243 - Balance in your life

Tips & Co. #243 - Balance in your life
“Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them — work, family, health, friends and spirit and you’re keep...
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  2017 lectures
2017 lectures

Tips & Co. #234 - Diversity in the workplace

Tips & Co. #234 - Diversity in the workplace
Diversity is much broader than ethnicity, race or gender. Diversity is otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside ...
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  1938 lectures
Mots-clés :
1938 lectures


It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Cha...
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  2817 lectures
Mots-clés :
2817 lectures

Les participants le disent…

« Vraiment une formation extraordinaire, et habituellement, je suis très critique! Tout le personnel devrait suivre cette formation, il y aurait un gain d’efficacité! »

Ville de Québec

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…et nos clients aussi!

« C’est avec un grand professionnalisme que l’entreprise a offert une formation attrayante et de qualité à nos employés. Nous sommes particulièrement satisfaits des résultats obtenus grâce à cette intervention et il nous fera plaisir de retravailler avec Solutions & Co. dans l’avenir. »

Xavier Aymé, Chef des opérations | Mercator Canada Inc.

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