Tips & Co. #406 - Personal disorganization

Clutter is an energy thief and a distraction, and every distracting thing prevents you from using your time effectively. When you lack of organization...
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  1187 lectures
1187 lectures

Tips & Co. #401 - Why develop your emotional intelligence ?

Our workplaces introduce us to constant challenges such as angry customers, unpleasant coworkers, demanding superiors, objectives to achieve, recurrin...
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  964 lectures
964 lectures

Tips & Co. #396 - Are you the bottleneck?

Sometimes, a bottleneck is a good thing. It wouldn’t be possible to enjoy a beer if it was served in a bowl – the bottleneck generates the optimal imp...
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  943 lectures
943 lectures

Tips & Co. #391 - Does your organization have a soul?

Ranjay Gulati, professor at the Harvard Business School, explains that the most performant organizations generally have a common point: they have a so...
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  1121 lectures
1121 lectures

Tips & Co. #386 - Tattoos in the workplace

Tattoos are not necessarily compatible with all professions and work sectors, and depending on the career or occupation you wish to have, tattoos will...
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  1160 lectures
1160 lectures

Tips & Co. # 376 - Courtesy and Respect in the Workplace

Do good manners matter at work? Should you really be expected to be polite all the time, or can you bend the rules in the name of efficiency and produ...
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  1515 lectures
1515 lectures

Tips & Co. #371 - Do not let your knowledge and skills become outdated

Regardless of your position, you are an expert in your field. You excel in what you do and have the knowledge and experience to do a good job. In orde...
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  1094 lectures
1094 lectures

Tips & Co. #366 - When in Doubt - Ask for Help

When you do not understand something, or do not see something the same way as the person you are talking to, ask the person to explain. This is probab...
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  1392 lectures
1392 lectures

Tips & Co. #360 - Rudeness can take many forms

Rudeness is generally defined as a display of disrespect, a breaking of social norms or expectations, a breach of etiquette, or ignoring "accepted" be...
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  1446 lectures
1446 lectures

Tips & Co. #355 - Fix your broken windows

  There’s a concept in law enforcement known as the broken windows theory, which says that we take cues from our environment – so if a neighborho...
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  1422 lectures
1422 lectures

Tips & Co. #340 - Do you need to change job – or just a good night’s sleep?

When we are tired, we are less equipped to handle life. Getting too little sleep can affect our emotional control and regulation capacities, as well a...
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  1638 lectures
1638 lectures

Tips & Co. #330 - Are you professional?

While evaluating your professionalism, you must ask yourself three questions : Do you have the required operational skills to be considered profe...
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  1779 lectures
1779 lectures

Tips & Co. #325 - Meetingitis

Meetings are an essential part of management. However, if they’re not managed properly, they can be a colossal waste of time. We call it “meetingitis”...
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  1898 lectures
1898 lectures

Tips & Co. #320 - Reclaiming Lost Time

By identifying 30 to 40 minutes every day and by using them more productively, you will add the equivalence of 20 8-hour days to your annual yield. &n...
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  1673 lectures
1673 lectures

Tips & Co. #319 - When compromise is not a desired approach

The compromise approach is relevant in the case of structural problems that relate to process, task, or content of work. They are concrete challenges,...
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  1438 lectures
1438 lectures

Tips & Co. #295 - The “Performance” Break

During our work days, we are constantly solicited by emails, tasks, deadlines to the point of getting completely saturated. With a sometimes superhuma...
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  1815 lectures
1815 lectures

Tips & Co. #279 - Have an unresponsive coworker?

Try this five steps approach: 1. Examine your attitude - Start with the assumption that your coworker actually does care about doing a good job but th...
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  1757 lectures
1757 lectures