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Tips & Co. #381 - Celebrate your victories and reframe your defeats

It's the end of the year: whether good or bad, satisfying or disappointing, it's time to look back on the year we leave behind.

Resilience means being able to see failures as lessons and opportunities for improvement. As Thomas Edison once said about the invention of the light bulb, “I have not failed. I simply found 10,000 solutions that did not work.”

Knowing how to accept your failures as easily as your successes is a sign of a deep-rooted self-confidence, the kind of self-assurance that will not be eroded by setbacks and will be able to inspire you to persevere in the face of adversity.

Your failures are whispers telling you to try again and they serve as benchmarks for the rest of your journey. They help you know which paths to avoid in the future and allow you to turn back and go in the right direction.

Reframe these failures so that you may make changes and come out stronger than before.

When you look at a situation from a different angle, you can see many opportunities for success, growth and development.

What a great opportunity to start over and begin the new year with strength, character, verve and conviction.

Question du mois - Février 2019
Trucs & Astuces #381 - Célébrez vos victoires et r...

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