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Tips & Co. #391 - Does your organization have a soul?

Ranjay Gulati, professor at the Harvard Business School, explains that the most performant organizations generally have a common point: they have a soul.

Having a corporate culture is a very important concept. As a matter of fact, it consists of a way of living relatively specific, defining both clear and implied rules and hypothesis regulating the organization conduct. But a soul goes beyond the culture; the “soul” of an organization relies on:

  • a clear commercial intent;
  • a strong relationship with customers;
  • and an exceptional experience with the workforce.

The soul is the very essence of the organization. It is essentially knowing:

  • why we are here
  • what we are trying to accomplish
  • what gives us a meaning and a goal
  • and where do we get our energy from.
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Trucs & Astuces #391 - Votre organisation a-t-elle...

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