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Tips & Co. #516 - Do you complain too much?

Le client na pas toujours raison 1

Research links poor stress prediction and the inability to gauge your own potential coping resources to the tendency to complain.

University of Alabama's Yi-Ren Wang and colleagues (2021) note that people that have tendencies to over-estimate stress and underestimate their coping resources are constantly on edge and are primed to focus on the negative as each new day unfolds.

So, how to be less of a complainer? The study suggests that you first try to build your own resilience and sense of control over the events in your life by:

• Learning to adequately estimate the challenges of the day

• Preparing for daily challenges and having a plan to overcome them.

Otherwise, your mood will eventually become worn down and with it, your patience… and everything will seem like a problem!

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