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Tips & Co. #331 - Delicate situations

Throughout your customer service career, it is probable that you will be confronted with situations you would have preferred to have avoided. “Big” problems, such as an angry, threatening, aggressive customer are great challenges, but are also rare. However, our days are often seeded with “small” problems or delicate situations that are difficult to manage, based on their trivial-looking nature and the absence of processes and guidelines. When it comes to either saying “no” to a client, share bad news, or give an apology, most people are not comfortable with confronting these delicate situations.

However, these situations are inevitable – one must tackle them. If they’re ignored, they risk becoming difficult situations that are even harder to manage and If ignored, they may become difficult situations to manage and your professionalism and your credibility could be questioned.

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Trucs & Astuces # 331 - Les situations délicates

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