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Tips & Co. #393 - Digital detox

Phones, laptops, smartwatches and tablets… The average person checks their phone 200 times a day, or every six and a half minutes. Being hyperconnected causes stress and is source of psychosocial disorders.

To avoid becoming the slave or victim of your devices, do a digital detox regularly:
  • Stop the pings – deactivate all notifications
  • Break away from digital devices for definite periods of time
  • Spend a day per week or a lapse of time each day (like meal times) without any digital devices
  • Plan preestablished periods of time to acknowledge and check your professional emails and text messages.
  • Give yourself a curfew – Turn off your device when you go to bed.
  • Established tech free areas.
  • Take mini vacations / breaks away from social medias.
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