
Tips & Co. #404 - Etiquette in the workplace … Advice no.3

Be gracious – Listen more than you speak. Pay attention when co-workers are talking to you. Don't interrupt people when they're speaking. Let them fin...
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  965 lectures
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965 lectures

Tips & Co. #389 - Etiquette in the workplace … Advice no.2

Be polite – Hold doors (even the elevator) for people. If you're asking for something, or asking someone to do something, say "please." If someone doe...
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  1164 lectures
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1164 lectures

Tips & Co. #388 - Handwritten note-taking

It is more and more common to take notes on electronic applications instead of by hand. A study conducted by Princeton in 2014 shows that when we use ...
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  1708 lectures
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1708 lectures

Tips & Co. #384 - Etiquette in the workplace … Advice no.1

Be cordial – Greet people when you arrive, when you leave, when you pass in the hall or when you encounter them in the elevator.  A simple "Good ...
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  1166 lectures
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1166 lectures

Tips & Co. #383 - When coworkers speak loudly

In an open space environment, when your coworkers speak loudly it is useless to suffer silently, but none the less, do not flare up shouting “Can you ...
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  1441 lectures
1441 lectures

Tips & Co. #379 - Do not accept change!

Faced with change, people have different reactions. When change is perceived positively, it is welcomed. When change is perceived negatively, it is re...
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  1248 lectures
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1248 lectures

Tips & Co. #374 - 5 steps to failing well

Robert Kelsey, author of «What’s stopping you?» shows us how to fail properly and build the resilience necessary to reap the rewards of success. Consi...
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  1586 lectures
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1586 lectures


The next two articles are dedicated to mental imagery. This first article focuses on explaining this science-based technique, how it contributes to pe...
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  7809 lectures
7809 lectures

Tips & Co. #369 - A speedy trick to boost your health at your desk

A study in Health Psychology found that people who sit up straighter feel stronger, more energized and positive, than their slouchy counterparts. Befo...
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  1196 lectures
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1196 lectures

Tips & Co. #358 - Not being unhappy does not mean that you are happy!

According to Barbara Fredrickson, one of the pioneers of positive psychology and author of Love 2.0: “Positive emotions open the mind and broaden the ...
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  1517 lectures
1517 lectures

Tips & Co. #353 - When rejection occurs

If you seek to make a change or do something important, your work might be rejected along the way. What will you do after that? Instead of losing hope...
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  1904 lectures
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1904 lectures

Tips & Co. #348 - There is no empathy in snap judgments

Snap judgments are a biological necessity handed down from our ancestors. Often a glance was the only thing they had to go on when sizing up their sur...
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  1202 lectures
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1202 lectures

Tips & Co. #343 - Why should you fine-tune your vocabulary?

"That customer is always so ________ (picky, difficult, pushy, angry, etc.)" or "That colleague is always so ____________ stubborn, brash, arrogant, e...
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  1365 lectures
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1365 lectures

Tips & Co. #338 - The Fish Bowl Theory

The Fish Bowl Theory states that tropical fish can grow as large as their aquarium will permit; the bigger the aquarium, the larger the fish are able ...
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  1819 lectures
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1819 lectures

The Ability to Act… At the Heart Of Performance and Excellence

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle “The ability to act” is the intentional and effective levera...
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  32664 lectures
32664 lectures

Tips & Co. #335 - “I Don’t Have Time”

Every time you say ”I don’t have time”, what you are really saying is ”It’s not important enough to be at the top of my list.” We all have the same am...
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  1730 lectures
1730 lectures

Tips & Co. #333 - Accomplishing too many tasks at once

As soon as someone sets two objectives at the same time, each one is analyzed and managed in one hemisphere of the brain. However, by definition, ther...
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  1707 lectures
1707 lectures

Tips & Co. #328 - Watch your thoughts

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits,...
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  1458 lectures
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1458 lectures

Tips & Co. #323 - Creating discomfort

If you're seeking to create positive change in your work, it's almost certain you'll be creating discomfort as well. Usually, when we want to suggest/...
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  1973 lectures
1973 lectures

Tips & Co. #297 - Calling fear by its name

Highly successful people view reaching out to receive support as a strength. Also, successful people label fear by its name. They don’t bother calling...
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  1557 lectures
1557 lectures

Tips & Co. #293 - The five pillars of fulfillment

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Which personality traits will make you a happy and accomplished person? Psychologists from University of London have identified the “life skills” of t...
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  1854 lectures
1854 lectures

Tips & Co. #290 - Learn the art of feedback

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By learning how to skillfully solicit, receive, and offer feedback, we equip ourselves with important tools for creating a balanced and effective work...
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  1934 lectures
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1934 lectures

Tips & Co. #285 - De-toxifying conflicts

We may be getting the job done but too often we go home feeling demoralized and frustrated. In order to reduce work-related stress we need to promote ...
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  1802 lectures
1802 lectures

Tips & Co. #284 - When giving up is a virtue

Choosing in the face of complexity and uncertainty requires mental acuity. Having the simple ability to confidently choose one course of action while ...
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  2095 lectures
2095 lectures

Tips & Co. #281 - Foster originality and flexibility

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A broad array of psychologists, educators, and neuroscientists would like us to start recognizing creativity (defined as the production of something n...
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  1983 lectures
1983 lectures

Tips & Co. #276 - What is Self-Confidence

Sometimes we confuse self-confidence with: ● Loudness ● Brusqueness ● A resistance to change ● An unwillingness to compromise ● Stubbornness ● Fast ta...
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  2665 lectures
2665 lectures

Tips & Co. #245- Work Ethics

Tips & Co. #245- Work Ethics
Statements such as "I just work here”, "It’s not my responsibility" or "I’m just following orders" are the worst kind of ethical excuses since work et...
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  2566 lectures
2566 lectures

Tips & Co. #243 - Balance in your life

Tips & Co. #243 - Balance in your life
“Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them — work, family, health, friends and spirit and you’re keep...
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  2028 lectures
2028 lectures

Tips & Co. #241 - The Feedback Objective

Tips & Co. #241 - The Feedback Objective
Feedback shouldn’t be a judgement on personality. It should be an objective message on behavior and its consequences – be it on a job well done or a s...
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  2537 lectures
2537 lectures

Tips & Co. #239 - 2 steps when feeling overwhelmed

Tips & Co. #239 - 2 steps when feeling overwhelmed
When feeling overwhelmed, it’s tempting to respond by working harder. But humans are "cyclical" so working more doesn’t just make you miserable, it ma...
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  2289 lectures
2289 lectures

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