
Tips & Co. #402 - Aggressive customers

What to do when a customer is aggressive? First, ask yourself what could drive someone to become violent and what the factors are that create and incr...
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  1354 lectures
1354 lectures

Tips & Co. #387 - When the customer is angry

Remember that the customer is angry at the situation. You are not part of the problem; you are part of the solution! What could you say to a customer ...
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  1387 lectures
1387 lectures

Tips & Co. #382 - Is the customer always right?

The customer is not always right… Evidently, you could make your point, even have the last word. You might even be right. However, right or wrong, you...
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  1408 lectures
1408 lectures

Tips & Co. #377 - Saying ‘NO’ to the customer

No customer likes to be told “no”. However, like it or not, the circumstances sometimes force us to say “no”. But, this does not have to become a nega...
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  1197 lectures
1197 lectures

Tips & Co. #372 - Use the polite repetition technique

When the customer is angry, it is sometimes difficult for us to calm them down. In these situations, the polite repetition technique proves effective ...
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  1226 lectures
1226 lectures

Tips & Co. #367 - Mistakes are inevitable and that's why pencils still have erasers

There is no better example of an organization's commitment to customer service than the way it resolves customer service issues. Many organizations di...
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  1193 lectures
1193 lectures

Tips & Co. #365 - The Most Common Listening Mistakes in Customer Service

Interrupting - Never interrupt the customer or finish their sentences. Most customer service providers want to solve the problem as quickly as possibl...
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  1544 lectures
1544 lectures

Tips & Co. #361 - Show empathy towards a dissatisfied customer

When a customer is unhappy, it is very important to let the customer know that they are understood and cared for. Listen to the customer and respond w...
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  1346 lectures
1346 lectures

Tips & Co. #356 - Admit mistakes and apologize

When your organization makes a mistake, it is only fair to make a sincere and clear apology on its behalf. This does not necessarily mean that a perso...
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  1576 lectures
1576 lectures

Tips & Co. #351 - The importance of dealing with complaints

When a customer has a problem, your organization has a problem. Did you know that: A dissatisfied customer will share the “rotten” treatment that he h...
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  1936 lectures
1936 lectures

Tips & Co. #346 - Dealing with threats

A threat is a declaration of an intention to cause physical harm. The threat could be personal (e.g. a punch) or addressed to the organization (e.g. a...
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  1914 lectures
1914 lectures

Tips & Co. #341 - What is a Culture of Care in customer service?

A culture of care and service is created by instigating people to inspire each other and encouraging leadership within. Where people believe in what t...
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  1383 lectures
1383 lectures

Tips & Co. #336 - Be careful how you train your customers

If you frequently run last-minute sales, specials or promotions, don't be surprised if your customers stop buying things in advance. You're training t...
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  1599 lectures
1599 lectures

Tips &Co. #326 - How to Respond to a ‘Thank You’

When a customer thanks you for your services, avoid responding with “no problem” or “no worries”. Although your intention is good, some customers may ...
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  1928 lectures
1928 lectures

Tips & Co. #321 - The Power of Using Your Customer’s name

Dale Carnegie said that “a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” A study published in Brain Research...
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  2233 lectures
2233 lectures

Tips & Co. #311 - Fear of escalation

In any organization of more than two people, there's the opportunity to escalate a problem. When the software doesn't work, or the customer is in a ja...
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  1784 lectures
1784 lectures

Tips & Co. #305 - Someone to care

Organizations keep making big promises, and service providers struggle to keep those promises. Sooner or later, it leads to a situation where a broken...
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  1605 lectures
1605 lectures

Tips & Co. #301- When you don’t know the answer

Now and then, you’ll find yourself in the situation where you are asked a question to which you don’t know the answer. You don’t want to appear incomp...
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  2056 lectures
2056 lectures

Tips & Co. #291 - How to Prove a Customer Wrong

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As part of a search term analysis from our users, we found this question: How do we prove a Customer wrong? It’s always surprising to see that we’re s...
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  1788 lectures
1788 lectures

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