
Tips & Co. #314 - Knowing how to take care of our team

Knowing how to take care of our team means to be in touch, to care, to consider, to take interest, to devote, to put oneself in others’ shoes, to show...
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  2105 lectures
Mots-clés :
2105 lectures

Tips & Co. #286 - Team communication

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Be careful in how you communicate your expertise; you don't want others to see you as arrogant or as a know-it-all. Stay humble about your accomplishm...
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  1981 lectures
1981 lectures

Tips & Co. #265 - Label the emotion

Emotions routinely swirl within us, and they aren’t easily named. It may be useful to stop, examine them, and try to put them into words. When we labe...
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  1721 lectures
Mots-clés :
1721 lectures

Tips & Co. #263 - One important advice about respect

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One important advice about earning the respect of the people around you:   Be patient and be careful. Like a great tree, it can take many years f...
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  2394 lectures
Mots-clés :
2394 lectures

Tips & Co. #262 - Knowing how to trust

Whatever our role or function, being the one who, despite having too much work, does everything, worries about all the details, pitches in and therefo...
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  1781 lectures
Mots-clés :
1781 lectures

Tips & Co. #247 - Being a great team member

Do you want to be an active, effective team member and earn respect from your coworkers and your bosses?  Here are two things you have to do: 1. ...
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  2369 lectures
Mots-clés :
2369 lectures

Tips & Co. #230 - Teamwork skills

Tips & Co. #230 - Teamwork skills
To work together successfully, team members must demonstrate a sense of cohesion. Cohesion emerges as team members exhibit the following skills: Openn...
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  2952 lectures
Mots-clés :
2952 lectures

Tips & Co. #216 - Negativity

Tips & Co. #216 - Negativity
A single person with a poor attitude – someone who is chronically negative – can destroy the morale of an entire team if left unchecked. If that perso...
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  2245 lectures
2245 lectures

Tips & Co. #215 - Unsuccessful delegations?

Tips & Co. #215 - Unsuccessful delegations?
Sometimes it’s the fault of the person completing the assignment, but more frequently, it’s the fault of the person giving the assignment.  Clari...
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  2145 lectures
2145 lectures

Tips & Co. #205 - It’s not always about the win

Tips & Co. #205 - It’s not always about the win
We often get locked into arguments that hook our ego into trying to triumph over the other person (client, colleague, superior ...).  It is not a...
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  2353 lectures
2353 lectures

Tips & Co. #200 - The new way of working together

Tips & Co. #200 - The new way of working together
The spread of open-plan offices and encouraged down-time is not just about keeping staff happy. It is about getting the best out of each other. If you...
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  2604 lectures
Mots-clés :
2604 lectures

Tips & Co. #145 - Useless Emails

Do not bombard your collaborators with useless email. If your exchanges go over three emails, think about changing your communication channel. A phone...
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  2780 lectures
2780 lectures

Tips & Co. #102 - He Who Listens Reaps

« He who speaks sows, he who listens reaps.” This Japanese saying reminds us of the importance of practicing active listening. The key element of...
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  3168 lectures
Mots-clés :
3168 lectures

Tips & Co. #98 - The Quality of Our Interactions

The quality of our social interactions, be they professional or personal, greatly determine the quality and efficiency of a team, a network, an organi...
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  3126 lectures
3126 lectures

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