Remember that casual conversation, genuine compliments and framing what you say in a positive manner builds rapport and alliances.
Remember that casual conversation, genuine compliments and framing what you say in a positive manner builds rapport and alliances.
- 11,680: The number of emails sent by the average worker in a year.
- 111 days: Average time spent yearly to manage email
- 2 minutes: Average time to find a document in our email folders
- 2 weeks of work per year would be saved if we could improve our efficient by 10%.
(Source: Harvard Business Review April-May 2014)
The notion of « client » can be defined as he who obtains good or services provided by an organization or person.
There are two categories of clients :
1) External clients: Clients in the traditional sense of the word, those who pay for what you are providing.
2) Internal clients: Those who work with you, directly or indirectly, in order to provide it
Based on this definition, I realize that my clients are thus all people with whom I exchange. The object of the exchange does not need to be economic and to be limited to goods and services. The exchange often has a psychological and intangible dimension.
It’s impossible to find "more" time! If you need time to do something important, you’ll have to make time by eliminating some activities that are of lesser value to you.
The least productive moment of the day: 2:55 pm! According to a British survey published in the Daily Mail, 2:55 pm is the most unproductive moment of the day at the office, as we observe a significant decrease in energy levels and a loss of concentration.
To close oneself in an office with earplugs allows to concentrate better, but does not allow to think better. A little bit of noise is even preferable.
Ravi Mehta, professor in commerce at the University of Illinois, has studied the impact of ambient noise on creativity, and our brain’s capacity to think more abstractly when confronted to sound disturbance. Conclusion : the most stimulating sound level is around 70 decibels, which is about the sound level you’ll find in a neighborhood café.
Applying customer service etiquette allows us to gain customers’ trust and increase the degree of comfort between customers and the service representative.
Here are a few criteria for politeness :
- Avoid professional jargon, abbreviations, acronyms and technical terminology.
- Make the customer feel that he is welcome in the conversation. Don’t give him the impression that he is interrupting.
- Avoid lateral conversations during a phone call. Your client deserves your complete attention. Do not try to have to have two conversations at once.
- Answer the phone as quickly as possible. The norm is a maximum of three rings.
We all have our own personal definition of what a great client is, what a great colleague is, what a great boss is, etc…
If they don’t follow along the lines of that definition…well, to us they simply are NOT good! Expect to be treated different by different people. Go out of your comfort zone and treat different people differently. Anything else is limiting and restrictive.
If you aren’t feeling creative, it could be a simple case of building your confidence. People who lack confidence also lack the skills to be creative and successful. They are too busy avoiding new situations and people to learn skills of engagement. Confident people seek self-awareness, so they know what they want and pursue it with persistence.
Studies showed that smiling makes people feel happier. Smile and you’ll make everyone’s day a little brighter, especially yours.
Applying customer service etiquette allows us to gain customers’ trust and increase the degree of comfort between customers and the service representative.
Here are a few criteria for politeness:
- It is not impolite to make your interlocutor repeat himself, as long as you do it nicely.
- If we must interrupt a conversation, it is essential to use the "hold" button and to inform the client, instead of using the "mute" button or covering the receiver with your hand.
- Respect the cultural, ethnic and lifestyle differences.
- Replace the words "BUT" by "AND" as much as possible, in order to make communication more positive and professional.
- Ask questions to the customers regularly : if he understands correctly what you are asking him to do, if you’re going too fast. "Am I explaining myself clearly? Please stop me if I’m going too fast."
Empathy is beneficial to our brain. Listening to others allows a strong concentration of mirror neurons in our brain. These neurons of learning by imitation and of sharing with others are also called « Gandhi » neurons simulate our interlocutor’s emotional state in our brain to better identify it. They play a role of recognition, but also a role of self-awareness.
During waiting periods, take this opportunity to do some creative thinking. This practice will help you to be innovative in problem-solving, planning and organizing.
"He who makes the first offer has more chances to see the negotiation turn in his favor." (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Professional individuals are always polite, courteous and eloquent, regardless of the situation. Being professional means to keep calm in all circumstances. You don’t react based on the way you feel or the other person says or does. You deal with the situation calmly and rationally.
Opening an email should be followed by an action :
- Filing
- Deleting
- Replying
- Planning to follow-up
Deal with ALL emails until your inbox is empty!
Every time you say "I don’t have time" what you are really saying is "it wasn't important enough to make it to the top of the list".
We all have the same amount of time available to us – 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week. So why some people manage to get things done and others are always running after their tail?
Effectiveness is about determining what is a priority to you – it’s about making choices.
Running out of time is a message that you are not making that distinction, that you are not making that choice. At the end of the day, where you invested your time is really up to you.
Following customer service etiquette allows us to gain trust from the clientele and increase the comfort level between the customers and the service representative.
Here are a few guidelines:
• Treat internal and external calls the same way.
• Personalize calls by mentioning you interlocutor’s name a few times during the conversation.
• Use a more formal language, unless you’re very familiar with the interlocutor.
• Don’t ever correct the pronunciation or vocabulary of your interlocutor.
• Respect the chosen language of your interlocutor, even if he is having hard time.
“Two monologues do not make a dialogue.”
— Jeff Daly
Never make a client wait for long without explaining your process and the reason for the delay. When you get back to him, always thank him for his patience.
Take advantage of inevitable waits to engage in creative reflection. This trick will help you be more innovative in your problem-solving, planning and your organization.
Studies showed that smiling makes people feel happier. Smile and you’ll make everyone’s day a little brighter, especially yours.
Start measuring your success in time management – not in your daily level of busyness but in identifying the important tasks which were accomplished and your personal satisfaction.
We tend to believe that achievements (diplomas, promotions, high income...) make us happy and successful, while failures, (not getting that job, losing your job) will keep us miserable forever. But you can be successful in your current job and miserable in your future job. Our mindset has the power to turn around even the worst circumstances. Fretting about what life should look like can make us unaware of what we already have.
Give pre-eminence to the « real » professional relationship. Pay attention to the individual (client, colleague, etc.) who’s in front of you, by concentrating on the exchange. Ignore your phone, your emails, or any other distraction. Show professionalism, seriousness and involvement in your conversations.
Try to make important decisions in the morning, when self-control, energy levels and willpower are at their best.
Having a sense of priorities is differentiating essential from accessory. It’s knowing the difference between what is important and what is urgent.
A customer is angry due to a problem. Self-assurance allows you to avoid taking this anger personally. Keep in mind: You are not part of the problem, you are part of the solution!
“We blink up to two-thirds less often per minute when looking at a screen, which can dry out our eyes, causing irritation. To help maintain a healthy level of moisture and reduce eyestrain, get in the habit of looking at something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes.”
--Mark Rosenfield, PhD, professor of clinical education at the State University of New York College of Optometry
Many people look for a magic formula to achieving something worthwhile in their life, but there is no magic formula, there is no secret. To achieve your goals, determination and lots of hard, hard work are key factors. So roll up your sleeves and get to it!