Tips & Co. #467 - "Nonversation"

"Nonversation’’ is … when instead of giving your interlocutor your full attention, you pretend to listen while doing something else.
When you do this, you’re too distracted to really understand. You offer insignificant "uh huh" in response, and are liable to miss subtle but important clues.
Set aside a predetermined time during the day to return all your calls, concentrate solely on the person on the other end, and have a proper "conversation". 
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  787 lectures
787 lectures

Tips & Co. #466 - The importance of being persistent

When you are good at what you do – persist!
Many really good hardworking people don't get lucky on their first shot at success/promotion/recognition, or the second, or even the third time around.
It becomes so easy to conclude that if you're not lucky, you're not good. These failures of recognition for what you do are opportunities to get really good.
So persistence becomes an essential element of talent, because without persistence, you never get a chance to get lucky.
Lire la suite
  798 lectures
798 lectures

Tips & Co. #465 - Effective communication

Communication is truly effective only when the receiver understands the sender’s message.
The key factor in a communication is the receiver: what we communicate is not what we say, but what the other person understands!
Lire la suite
  762 lectures
762 lectures

Tips & Co. #464 - Transforming emotions

One of the purposes of "customer service" is to change feelings. Not the facts, but the way your customer feels.
The best measurement of customer support is whether, after the interaction, the customer would recommend you to a friend.
Wait times, refunds given, or the facts of the case are irrelevant.
The feelings are all that matter, and changing feelings takes humanity and connection, not money or speed.
Lire la suite
  903 lectures
903 lectures

Tips & Co. #463 - What is more inefficient: too much or not enough motivation?

A lack of motivation will obviously have a negative impact. It steals away the perseverance you need to complete a task.
However, too much motivation is also something to worry about. The person will want to channel his or her energies into very narrow frames of thought, cut corners, and neglect other duties.
Lire la suite
  847 lectures
847 lectures

Tips & Co. #462 - The small subtle gestures

Look people in the eye and remember their name. These subtle details act as token of respect towards other people and trigger the necessary elements to establish trusting relationships.

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  865 lectures
865 lectures

Tips & Co. #461 - We learn in the storm ...

"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors" - African Proverb

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  1002 lectures
1002 lectures

Tips & Co. #460 - Flaming messages

Avoid sending a delicate or emotional email on the spur of the moment. And don’t answer a flaming email on the spot either. Be more professional, be more polite; it may bring the other party to ease their storm.

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  945 lectures
945 lectures

Tips & Co. #459 - Customer service etiquette

Following customer service etiquette allows us to gain trust from the clientele and increase the comfort level between the customers and the service representative.
Here are a few guidelines:
  • Treat internal and external calls the same way.
  • Personalize calls by mentioning your interlocutor’s name a few times during the conversation.
  • Use a more formal language, unless you’re very familiar with the interlocutor.
  • Don’t ever correct the pronunciation or vocabulary of your interlocutor.
  • Respect the chosen language of your interlocutor, even if he is having hard time.
Lire la suite
  830 lectures
830 lectures

Tips & Co. #458 - Under-promise and over-achieve !

One of the most efficient rules you can use is to set realistic and sustainable deadlines.
In other words, you should overestimate the time you need to complete a task. This will help you ensure that: (1) you will meet your deadline despite the unexpected, and; (2) you will be able to finish earlier and wow your manager, your customers, and your colleagues.
Lire la suite
  832 lectures
832 lectures

Tips & Co. #457 - Call waiting

Sometimes, you will need to put a call on hold. Before doing so, make sure to explain to the customer the reason of this waiti and to ask his permission.
Wait to get a confirmation. Some will prefer to call back or be called back. 
Lire la suite
  841 lectures
841 lectures

Tips & Co. #456 - How to redirect and redefine an interruption

The best way to deal with an interruption is by deflecting and redefining it.
(1) Rephrase what the person said, using your own words: «We need to get together to discuss the meeting.»
(2) Then redefine that requirement in a way that favours your schedule: «I will be available today after 3:30pm and from 10 am until 12:00 every other day this week. Why don’t you tell me what 30-minute block of time would work best with your schedule? E-mail me this afternoon and I will respond by the end of the day so we can confirm our engagement.»
Lire la suite
  865 lectures
865 lectures

Tips & Co. #455 - Not always easy

Giving and taking criticism is no easy task, but it is a valuable tool in raising and maintaining performance standards.
If you adopt a passive, defeated attitude or an aggressive response to criticism, you are not going to improve the situation. No one ever choked swallowing his or her own pride! Admit you aren't perfect. By adopting an open attitude to criticism, you can achieve greater personal development and help uncover blind spots.  
Lire la suite
  820 lectures
820 lectures

Tips & Co. #454 - The sandwich technique

When there’s bad news to be delivered, or improvement feedback to be told, know that you can soften the blow by starting with positive information.
If you have something negative to say, place it in the middle of a conversation.
In other words, start with positive comments, then deliver the negative part, and always close on a positive note.
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  1025 lectures
1025 lectures

Tips & Co. #453 - When the client is wrong

Sometimes you need to take a stand, but not as often as you think. An old saying says, "The world is divided into people who think they are right."
Resist the urge to prove them wrong – their egos won’t need so much defending, they’ll be willing to listen more, and fewer disputes will occur.
Lire la suite
  870 lectures
870 lectures

Tips & Co. #452 - Procrastination

A procrastinator is someone who tends to delay things and push them back another day. This kind of behaviour will increase your stress level, because you end up forced to complete your duties at the last minute. Therefore, your performance and the quality of your results both decrease. What you ignore today will become a burden tomorrow. Problems rarely evaporate. Decisions must be made.

Lire la suite
  862 lectures
862 lectures

Tips & Co. #451 - Three versions of a story

There are usually three versions of a story or of a contentious situation: yours, the others’, and reality.
By readying yourself to see all sides of a situation, you allow yourself to explore a multitude of possibilities and solutions.
You’ll also reveal yourself as fair, well-thought and respectful, and you’ll also deserve everyone’s trust and respect. 
Lire la suite
  961 lectures
961 lectures

Tips & Co. #450 - Those people who aren't friendly

Some people are just NOT friendly. Yes, they have friends, but they go through life alienating everyone else who isn’t. They are dismissive - they don’t smile, speak or make eye contact with strangers!
I urge you to try a little experiment. For a week, smile at everyone and answer warmly when spoken to. You will notice that your personal and professional world might start to look different.
By altering your own behaviour, you change your view of the world that surrounds you. Go ahead and relish the new vibe – you’ll be surprised to know what you were missing!
Lire la suite
  959 lectures
959 lectures

Tips & Co. #449 - When the joke is tasteless or offensive

Deal with tasteless or offensive humour by clearly stating that you are uncomfortable with what the person said. Be sure to speak neutrally, with a impartial tone and appropriate body-language, and say something like: "When a joke is funny to you but not to me, I don’t know what to say." or "That kind of humour doesn’t work for me".

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  856 lectures
856 lectures

Tips & Co. #448 - Stop and listen

Most of us often face the same complaints or issues day after day – we therefore tend to stop listening and begin offering solutions.
But the customer has not yet reached the step of problem resolution - he wants to make you understand his point of view and feel that you are really listening. If you skip this step too quickly, the customer will refuse your solutions, will come back to his story, will put the emphasis on the negative aspects, etc. 
Lire la suite
  911 lectures
911 lectures

Tips & Co. #447 - "Analysis paralysis"

When comes the time to make a decision, many people delay or push back, just so they don’t have to decide. This syndrome has been called “analysis paralysis.”
The longer you delay a hard decision, the harder it gets to make.
And if you’re wrong, each delay shortens whatever time there may be to fix the situation.
Lire la suite
  920 lectures
920 lectures

Tips & Co. #446 - Conflict with a colleague ?

Take this simple first step when you are working to resolve a conflict with a co-worker: Find something that you both can agree on, even if it is only that you have a problem and that you need to resolve it.
Coming to agreement- even on something small – creates rapport, sets a positive tone and serves to move the conversation forward. 
Lire la suite
  872 lectures
872 lectures

Tips & Co. #445 - Do not waste time memorizing the map ...

Nowadays, everything around us keeps on changing and it’s easier than ever to go off-road.
The compass, on the other hand, is more important than ever. If you don't know which direction you're going, how will you know when you're off course? Or even when you got there?
Fine tune and calibrate your compass regularly ... it’s your surest way to getting where you want to go!
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  845 lectures
845 lectures

Tips & Co. #444 - Emailing smileys

Emails are not good at conveying moods, personalities and feelings. That is why smileys (or emoticons) were created: to specify one’s state of mind (humour, sarcasm, irony, etc.) and add a little warmth to email messages.
Now, some email users may find smileys fun and useful when it comes to expressing something subjective in a certain number of contexts. However, in general, you should not use smileys in serious exchanges. They can lead to a form of familiarity your correspondent may see as being out of place. Limit smileys to non-professional messages.
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  832 lectures
832 lectures

Tips & Co. #443 - Identify the problem

You will not be able to fix problems if you do not know they exist.
A study found that only 4% of unhappy customers complain. For every person who complains, 24 unhappy customers do not say anything. To uncover customer service problems, you must actively seek feedback.
This will help you pave the way for customers to provide insight. Instead of asking, ''How was everything today? '' Ask,'' Did you notice anything we could do to improve?''
This will provide you meaningful feedback.
Lire la suite
  990 lectures
990 lectures

Tips & Co. #442 - Learning to say "No"

Learning to say “no” is one of the Golden Rules of time management. In 80% of all cases, you won’t need to say “no.” Offer a “conditional yes” instead – “I’d be happy to help you” – and then refuse politely and explain why – “but I really must finish this.” Don’t let the person leave empty-handed: “I have a suggestion… Have you thought about… Next time…”
Suggest two realistic options and let the person choose which one suits them best.
Lire la suite
  962 lectures
962 lectures

Tips & Co. #441 - Reverse the situation

When confronted with an aggressive client, a disrespectful colleague or a rude boss - don’t take it personally too quickly.
Instead of thinking “Why is he/she doing this to me?”, try to say “Let me understand why you believe this or want that.” Then, listen to the answer.
Be curious instead of furious!
Lire la suite
  900 lectures
900 lectures

Tips & Co. #440 - How to make better decisions ?

One of the oldest techniques – supposedly invented by the philosopher and monk Ignatius Loyola – goes like this: for three days pretend that you’ve already gone for one of the options and write down all the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing. Then go for the other option and repeat. Afterwards, compare notes. You’ll be surprised by how much easier your decision will be.

Lire la suite
  929 lectures
929 lectures

Tips & Co. #439 - Choosing your channel of communication

E-Mail is a great tool. However, when you have sensitive or important matters to discuss, prioritize communicating orally instead of virtually.
When hiding behind e-mail, you may create the risk that your message will be misinterpreted or ignored.
Lire la suite
  935 lectures
935 lectures

Tips & Co. #438 - Change perspective

Don’t take complaints personally; process them professionally!
The client is not angry at you; you are rarely directly concerned. He is angry at a situation.
You are, however, the person who can solve the problem and he is turning to you. 
Lire la suite
  916 lectures
916 lectures