Tips & Co. #198 - Killing them softly

Tips & Co. #198 - Killing them softly

The old saying “kill them with kindness” could not be truer in a situation with a customer complaining. But rather than smile and pretend to care, genuinely let them know you are thankful they are sharing with you their complaint. Tell them that you appreciate that they are taking the time to talk to you about their concern and you want to make sure you understand exactly what they are saying. Then … actually listen to what they have to say. This opens up the opportunity for dialogue and problem solving.

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  2373 lectures
2373 lectures

Tips & Co. #197 - Ungrateful customers

One of the most common reasons for customers to be ungrateful is that they start to perceive that you and the people they deal with just don't care. Data points to the fact that customers will stop appreciating us when they feel we have stopped appreciating them. That's where a focus on customer service and customer service training pays off.

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  2697 lectures
2697 lectures

Tips & Co. #196 - The causes of burnout

Burnout doesn’t always result from having too much to do: sometimes, it’s caused by a lack of control over your work, or by insufficient challenges in your job.

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  2405 lectures
Mots-clés :
2405 lectures

Tips & Co. #195 - Vocabulary matters

If your vocabulary is limited, nuance goes out the window.

It’s not only about using professional jargon (every industry, trade and occupation has its own); because sometimes we need to simplify it to be understood and sometimes we need to amplify it to show expertise.

But it’s also about being able to use the right word in the right moment. The right words give you the opportunity to express your manners, attitude, professionalism, empathy, courtesy…

Your vocabulary reflects the way you think! When you have the right vocabulary your ability to see, to explain and to influence becomes exponential.

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  2562 lectures
2562 lectures

Tips & Co. #194 - Attitude is a skill

You can learn how to dance. How to golf. How to use your new smart phone. You can learn a foreign language too. If you can learn to be better at something, it's a skill.

Attitude is a skill too. You can learn how to be more empathetic, effective, persuasive, service-centered and adaptable… And if it's a skill, it's yours if you want it.

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  2379 lectures
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2379 lectures

Tips & Co. #193 - Create a new morning routine

Research shows that chronic workplace stress typically begins at the beginning of the workday and then escalates as the day progresses. Interrupt the pattern by creating a new morning routine. Go to a different place for your coffee. Do your administrative work before you check your emails, etc.

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  2723 lectures
2723 lectures

Tips & Co. #192 - Dealing with a hysterical customer

The hysterical customer is usually someone who feels that there is no one on "his side", he has reached the end of his rope, and you have been unfortunate enough to be at the tail end of what got him there. You may not have been the cause of all his problems, but he is nevertheless looking to you for the solutions.

Dealing with him is simple. Be patient. Listen intently. Acknowledge your understanding and express empathy.

Try it. Even if you can't solve his problem, you'll be surprised at how positively he will respond.

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  2462 lectures
2462 lectures

Tips & Co. #191- Rearranging our prejudices

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices..."  - William James

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  2694 lectures
2694 lectures

Tips & Co. #190 - Generate a positive impression

We all know the importance of first impressions. We also know that we will never have a second chance to make a good first impression and that impressions are sometimes easy to make but difficult to change.

Make a good impression from the start. The personalized interaction from the first contact is the perfect opportunity to show your sense of courtesy, respect and consideration towards your interlocutor.

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  2763 lectures
2763 lectures

Tips & Co. #189 - Do you have a "serviçocentriste" attitude?

  • Do you demonstrate your interest in the client?
  • Do you ask the right questions and do you listen carefully?
  • Are you patient, understanding and helpful?
  • Are you sincerely trying to do something positive for your customer?
  • Do you demonstrate you are taking in charge your customer's query or situation?
Lire la suite
  2383 lectures
2383 lectures

Tips & Co. #188 - A presentation and the importance of its introduction

The introduction is probably the most important part of your presentation. To be effective, the introduction must produce three results:

  1. Capture the attention of the audience and create a relationship.
  2. Set clear expectations by stating the theme and scope of the presentation.
  3. Establish your credibility.
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  2357 lectures
2357 lectures

Tips & Co. #187 - Serving customers

Serving customers means accepting customers as they are and not as you would like them to be.

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  2570 lectures
2570 lectures

Tips & Co. #186 - Reduce the jitters

During a speech, to reduce the jitters or shyness, ignore the disapproving looks : watching the forehead of a spectator and not his eyes (a technique used by the "Marines" to speak to their officers ). The spectator will still have the feeling of being looked into his eyes and his forehead will not show impatience, criticism or particular emotions.

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  2564 lectures
2564 lectures

Tips & Co. #185 - Taking the time to listen

You may be so busy answering calls from your customers that you don't have time to think of the service you offer. Take time to listen to your customers and discover what they really want. Once you understand what they want, it will be easier to meet their expectations and to provide a quality service.

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  2701 lectures
2701 lectures

Tips & Co. #184 - To reduce our worries

A theory states that doing anything over and over again gets you bored fast (like riding an elevator up and down again and again). You can do the same with a nagging thought. Repeat the worry to yourself slowly. The monotony will stop you from escalating, getting sucked into a worry spiral and will likely make your mind wonder to other more productive thoughts.

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  2785 lectures
2785 lectures

Tips & Co. #183 - To be ready for customer contact

To be ready for customer contact is the step preceding any contact with a customer.  The step where you must be ready psychologically , emotionally and  materially.   It is a preparation that must be done consciously rather than to get in touch with the customer in autopilot mode.

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  2864 lectures
2864 lectures

Tips & Co. #182 - Earn trust

Your experience, your knowledge, even your expertise, is insufficient to get the credibility you seek to influence others - they need to trust you. You are not entitled to trust -Trust needs to be earned!

How? Invest in the relationships, patiently contribute and demonstrate that you are credible and trustworthy… only then can you aspire to influence.

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  3007 lectures
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3007 lectures

Tips & Co. #181- Dusting yourself off

We all know the proverb: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."  But is it really better to be safe than sorry? We often try to avoid being naive, shielding ourselves from being fooled. But living on high alert all the time is very demanding and little rewarding. By being willing to be trusting, you might get deceived again, but that’s the price of trust. If you are solid, you’ll get back up on your feet, dust yourself off and continue on your path.  

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  2606 lectures
Mots-clés :
2606 lectures

Tips & Co. #180 - The memory gap

The best way to avoid the memory gap during a speech is to build a presentation whose thread takes a high degree of internal logic without requiring memorization. In case of an oversight, it should not stop the flow of the presentation to gain in completeness. The audience generally has not noticed the oblivion because the presenter is the only one who knows all the points he wants to present.

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  2500 lectures
2500 lectures

Tips & Co. #179 - The advantage of kindness

Research has shown that offering even a small act of kindness can boost oxytocin levels (known as the "feel-good" hormone). Meaning that even in a difficult situation, by choosing to be nicer, trusting or generous to your clients or colleagues, will most likely make you feel better.

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  2567 lectures
2567 lectures

Tips & Co. #178 - Active listening

Show sincere interest in active listening . Beyond listening with your ears, your eyes and your heart ...

Listen with your instinct  - Do you feel that the person is not communicating  something important ?

Ask questions - Support and encourage this person by showing him that he is worth taking the time to try to understand him.

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  2654 lectures
2654 lectures

Tips & Co. #177 - How to understand a message

Demonstrate sincere interest by actively listening to the whole message that the other person is trying to communicate.

• Listen with your ears - What is said and notice the key words and expressions that people use.

• Listen with your eyes - What the person does while speaking, his expressions, his gestures, his posture ...

• Listen with your heart - What emotions the other person expresses? In his tone, his volume , his flow, ...

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  2391 lectures
2391 lectures

Tips & Co. #176 - Set objectives

To reach any destination, you must know where you are going to plan the best way to get there.

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  2206 lectures
2206 lectures

Tips & Co. #175 - Techno distraction

The use of technology to excess can blur the line between what is the message and what is the medium. "Death by PowerPoint", or "Prezi Vertigo" are all too frequent and most presentations have become mediocre. Presenters should only project material on screen that helps the audience remember the message. A powerful presenter should be able to stand before his audience and transfix them with simple words and compelling stories.

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  3110 lectures
3110 lectures

Tips & Co. #174 - Failure is an opportunity

Failure is uncomfortable. Each time we encounter failure, we learn about ourselves and what we have to overcome. Failure doesn’t mean that you failed but that your plan failed.

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  2657 lectures
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2657 lectures

Tips & Co. #173 - Engage in play

Playing unleashes creativity and innovation. It allows us to relax and energizes us, which helps us to discover new ways of thinking and solving problems.

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  3429 lectures
3429 lectures

Tips & Co. #172 - Loving working

The distinction between "Loving your work" and "Loving working."

"I love my work" refers to enjoying the activity and the work itself. "I love to work" is rather enjoying making efforts, to confront, to learn, to excel, to give meaning to our work and allows for full self-realization.

When we love working we are absorbed by our work and we do not feel like we are working.

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  2794 lectures
2794 lectures

Tips & Co. #171 - The customers are the judges

The customers are the judges. These judges expect you to score high in your performance. If you are to successfully score 10’s with your customers, you must be willing to commit time, energy and effort.

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  2509 lectures
2509 lectures

Tips & Co. #170 - Courtesies

At the end of a conversation, a few courtesies are required.

  1. Thank the customer for calling.
  2. Let the customer know that you appreciate him doing business with your organization.
  3. Reassure him that any promise made will be honored.
  4. Leave the customer with a good impression.
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  2523 lectures
2523 lectures

Tips & Co. #169 - Influencing your audience

Whether you are speaking to a large group or having an individual meeting, your oral presentation is a key communication tool. You can be an expert in your field, but if you cannot convey your ideas, you will unlikely succeed in influencing your audience.

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  2612 lectures
2612 lectures

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