Tips & Co. #360 - Rudeness can take many forms

Rudeness is generally defined as a display of disrespect, a breaking of social norms or expectations, a breach of etiquette, or ignoring "accepted" be...
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  1445 lectures
1445 lectures

Tips & Co. #331 - Delicate situations

Throughout your customer service career, it is probable that you will be confronted with situations you would have preferred to have avoided. “Big” pr...
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  1677 lectures
1677 lectures

Tips & Co. #330 - Are you professional?

While evaluating your professionalism, you must ask yourself three questions : Do you have the required operational skills to be considered profe...
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  1779 lectures
1779 lectures

Tips & Co. #301- When you don’t know the answer

Now and then, you’ll find yourself in the situation where you are asked a question to which you don’t know the answer. You don’t want to appear incomp...
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  2033 lectures
2033 lectures

Tips & co. #258 - People size you up in seconds

Harvard Business School social psychologist professor Amy Cuddy says people judge you based on 2 criteria when they first meet you: * Can I trust this...
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  2294 lectures
2294 lectures

Knowing How to Act

WHAT IS PROFESSIONALISM? The ability and commitment to adopt the right behaviour in the workplace – to behave in a way that reflects favourably on the...
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  3026 lectures
Mots-clés :
3026 lectures

Tips & Co. #227 - Professionals bring their A game to work

Quitting slowly doesn't serve you well. At work or in anything else you do, people will remember how you ended things. Too often, we gradually back of...
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  2011 lectures
Mots-clés :
2011 lectures

Tips & Co. #225 - Be it until you become it

If you treat yourself as a professional, you will see yourself as one. If you see yourself as a professional, it will be more natural for you to act l...
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  2002 lectures
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2002 lectures

Tips & Co. #222 - Know how to handle customer complaints

Customers who complain are actually giving you another opportunity to prove them that you really offer quality service despite a shortfall. Be prepare...
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  2017 lectures
2017 lectures

Tips & Co. #220 - Judging a book by its cover

It’s not politically correct to judge a person by how they look, but we should give our appearance as much preparation time as we do our speech for th...
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  2132 lectures
2132 lectures

Tips & Co. #219 - The message behind taking notes

When you write things down during a conversation, you put yourself in a proactive role. You send a message that not only you are listening (and not on...
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  2367 lectures
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2367 lectures

Tips & Co. #211 - Blaming is useless

Blaming is often a natural response when things go wrong. The biggest disappointment is that it doesn’t work. Nothing is as professional as the abilit...
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  2300 lectures
2300 lectures

Tips & Co. #210 - The 1% who don’t appreciate you

It’s essential that you satisfy your customers, but not every customer knows the value to your service or understands what it is that you do. If 1% of...
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  2064 lectures
2064 lectures

Tips & Co. #209 - To over-promise

There is no quicker way to lose credibility than to make declarations or promises that you cannot deliver, or do not plan on delivering. 
  2418 lectures
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2418 lectures

Tips & Co. #206 - Overly-talkative people

Deal with an overly-talkative person by asking a question that signals that the conversation is coming to a close. Such as "Can I answer any other que...
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  2217 lectures
2217 lectures

Tips & Co. #205 - It’s not always about the win

We often get locked into arguments that hook our ego into trying to triumph over the other person (client, colleague, superior ...).  It is not a...
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  2335 lectures
2335 lectures

Tips & Co. #204 - It’s all about respecting diversity

We're often appalled; puzzled or irritated when we see people behaving differently, because it's easy to expect that any group of people would behave ...
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  1923 lectures
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1923 lectures

Tips & Co. #202 - Service-Centered Attitude

I believe that the customer has the right to quality service. I am proactive. I am confident. I am empathetic. I’m convinced I am part of the solution...
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  2096 lectures
2096 lectures

Tips & Co. #197 - Ungrateful customers

One of the most common reasons for customers to be ungrateful is that they start to perceive that you and the people they deal with just don't care. D...
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  2359 lectures
2359 lectures

Tips & Co. #195 - Vocabulary matters

If your vocabulary is limited, nuance goes out the window. It’s not only about using professional jargon (every industry, trade and occupation has its...
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  2266 lectures
2266 lectures

Being self-confident and trusting yourself

Self-confidence is the ability to believe, realistically and constantly, that we possess the necessary resources to face any situation with ease. It’s...
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  4725 lectures
4725 lectures

Tips & Co. #190 - Generate a positive impression

We all know the importance of first impressions. We also know that we will never have a second chance to make a good first impression and that impress...
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  2338 lectures
2338 lectures

Tips & Co. #189 - Do you have a "serviçocentriste" attitude?

Do you demonstrate your interest in the client?Do you ask the right questions and do you listen carefully?Are you patient, understanding and helpful?A...
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  2137 lectures
2137 lectures

Tips & Co. #187 - Serving customers

Serving customers means accepting customers as they are and not as you would like them to be.
  2240 lectures
2240 lectures

Tips & Co. #185 - Taking the time to listen

You may be so busy answering calls from your customers that you don't have time to think of the service you offer. Take time to listen to your custome...
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  2354 lectures
2354 lectures

Tips & Co. #183 - To be ready for customer contact

To be ready for customer contact is the step preceding any contact with a customer.  The step where you must be ready psychologically , emotional...
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  2523 lectures
2523 lectures

Tips & Co. #178 - Active listening

Show sincere interest in active listening . Beyond listening with your ears, your eyes and your heart ... Listen with your instinct  - Do you fee...
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  2248 lectures
2248 lectures

Tips & Co. #177 - How to understand a message

Demonstrate sincere interest by actively listening to the whole message that the other person is trying to communicate. • Listen with your ears - What...
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  2117 lectures
2117 lectures

Tips & Co. #175 - Techno distraction

The use of technology to excess can blur the line between what is the message and what is the medium. "Death by PowerPoint", or "Prezi Vertigo" are al...
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  2823 lectures
2823 lectures

Tips & Co. #171 - The customers are the judges

The customers are the judges. These judges expect you to score high in your performance. If you are to successfully score 10’s with your customers, yo...
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  2228 lectures
2228 lectures