Tips & Co. #497- Everyone has their prejudices

An unconscious bias is a quick and often erroneous judgment based on limited facts and our own experiences. This judgment may give individuals and groups an undeserved advantage or disadvantage in the workplace. Prejudices can be about just about any aspect, not just about gender, skin colour or age. They may relate to a person’s communication style or hobbies.

An unconscious bias is not intentional, it is part of the lens through which we see the world. It is the fruit of the life experience of individuals, and no one is immune to it.

Everyone has implicit or unconscious biases. They appear when our brain has to deal with great amounts of information.

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  581 lectures
581 lectures

Tips & Co. #496- The secret to change

The secret to change is to focus your energy on creating something new, not on fighting the old.

Dan Millman
Artist, writer, record man, sportsman

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  1016 lectures
Mots-clés :
1016 lectures

Tips & Co. #495- Saying NO

Saying no should be a moment of empowerment, when you take responsibility for yourself and resist the pressure, or the urge, to satisfy someone else instead.

If you still find it hard to get the word out, you can say no with a mild and diplomatic refusal.

Next time you want to say NO while softening the blow try a ‘’I’m not comfortable with that’’ or a ‘’That’s probably not going to work for me’’

It will get the job done as well as NO!

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  537 lectures
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537 lectures

Tips & Co. #494- Personalization Goes a long way!

A personal touch is the best way to let your customers know that they are a priority.

When you talk to a customer, remember their name, and use it throughout the conversation. To show that you’re listening, mention something they said earlier. Your customers will appreciate this personalization.

This seems obvious, but it still doesn’t happen as often as it should. No one wants to hear “Sir” or “Ma’am” (or worse yet, “Madam”).

Being professional and being friendly are not mutually exclusive. So, make it a point to remember and address your customers by their name.

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  559 lectures
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559 lectures

Tips & Co. #493- So Little Time

Are all hours created equal? On our watches, yes, but not necessarily in our minds: Upcoming events may alter the way we think about and use the preceding time.

In a recent study, researchers found that participants with an approaching event were less inclined to take up relatively long (but doable) tasks, including ones with rewards attached.

The reluctance to even get started contributes the biggest part of this effect. To help push back on this tendency, lead author and Rudgers University marketing researcher Gabriels Tonietto recommends ‘’any strategy you can think of to minimize the number of boundaries that you’re creating’’ in your schedule – for example, planning back-to-back meetings in the morning while keeping the afternoon open.

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  1385 lectures
1385 lectures

Tips & Co. #492- Stereotypes or prejudices?

Stereotypes and prejudices are often considered to be the same thing, but they influence our behaviour differently.

Stereotype (Conscious bias)
A false or generalized conception of a group of people that results in a conscious categorization of each member of that group, regardless of individual differences. Consciously biased individuals act intentionally by developing beliefs and stereotypes about a group of people with similar characteristics. (for example, women are emotional)

Prejudice (Unconscious bias)
An inclination or preference formed without reasonable justification that may prevent the judgment from being balanced or impartial. This type of bias is unconscious. The unconscious biases of each are different depending on their own socialization and exposure to diversity. Unconscious bias can affect an organization’s culture, team dynamics and conflict resolution. (for example, Asians are smart)

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  637 lectures
Mots-clés :
637 lectures

Tips & Co. #491- Work before passion

“Offer me something I’m passionate about and I’ll show up with all of my energy, effort and care.”

That’s a great way to hide.

Because nothing is good enough to earn your passion before you do it. Perhaps, in concept, it’s worthy, but as soon as you closely examine the details and the pitfalls, it’s easy to decide that it may be better to wait for a better offer.

What about considering the opposite?

“Offer me a chance to contribute, and I’ll work hard on it, with focus, and once I begin to make progress, I’ll become passionate about it.”

Work before passion measures our craft in terms of contribution, not in an idealized model of perfection.

Passion comes from feeling needed, from approaching mastery, from doing work that matters.

Seth Godin

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  653 lectures
Mots-clés :
653 lectures

Tips & Co. #490- Emails that are misinterpreted!

You may have noticed that emails often involve misrepresentation, or misinterpretation?

One of the reasons for this is that we don’t ensure understanding in emails. This process is delayed or does not exist because an email is sent and there is no real-time dialogue – it is a one-way communication.

In the case of emails, the distortions are systematic and have been studied. Studies show that people tend to interpret positive emails as somewhat neutral and neutral emails as more negative.

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  534 lectures
Mots-clés :
534 lectures

Tips & Co. #489 - Fast Service May Not Always Be Ideal

We keep hyping how much speed and fast replies matter in customer service. But...if that's your only focus, you're compromising on other customer service metrics.

In customer service, measuring the speed of service is easier than measuring customer satisfaction - but that measure may have nothing at all to do with improving the very thing you set out to achieve in the first place.

Instead, define your goal (customer satisfaction, customer engagement, …) and focus on measuring that.

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  590 lectures
590 lectures

Tips & Co. #488 - Do you need to change jobs - or do you just need a good night’s sleep?

When we are tired, we are less well equipped to deal with life. Sleep deprivation can affect our ability to control and regulate our emotions, as well as our ability to think proactively.

According to William Killgore, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Medical Imaging at the University of Arizona, a simple bad night can compromise your ability to “put the brakes on the emotional center of your brain.”

This makes you likely to over-react (good or bad) in certain situations. You are more likely to feel frustrated, hurt, and hypersensitive, or anxious or overwhelmed.
When you are tired, each interaction may seem worse than it really is and undermines your happiness.

So, before you resign or, worse, stay in a job that you think you hate, try to significantly improve your sleep, and see if you wake up being a new person, more fit and brighter.

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  866 lectures
Mots-clés :
866 lectures

Tips & Co. #487 - There is an optimal balance between the number of positive and negative feedback you give

John Gottman, the relationship researcher, observed that married couples had a healthier relationship when the balance between positive and negative actions and feelings in a relationship was five to one.

Of course, workplace relations are less intimate than conjugal relationships, but the study suggests that the more positive experiences we have, the happier we are.

We place more importance on negative events than positive ones. It seems logical, therefore, that to overcome a negative event such as a critique, we will have to experience a greater number of positive events.

This suggests that, if you are a superior, you should start compensating for negative reviews or feedback with positive events and feedback.

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  572 lectures
Mots-clés :
572 lectures

Tips & Co. #486 - The winter blues

As the days grow darker and colder, many of us experience the winter blues, triggered by scant sunlight. The lack of light seems to shift our circadian rhythms which in turn impacts levels of key body regulating hormones or neurotransmitters in the brain such as melatonin and serotonin. Essentially, we get stuck in a biological night state, and we feel gloomy and lethargic.

Kelly J. Rohan, Ph.D, psychological science professor at the University of Vermont recommends getting outside for a half hour every morning or going on a walk over your lunch break. It will improve your productivity, your motivation, and your focus.

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  747 lectures
Mots-clés :
747 lectures

Tips & Co. #485 - When communicating - Make sure you are understood.

According to George Bernard Shaw, the main problem in communication is the illusion that it took place.

Very often, when it comes to communication, an illusion has occurred.

Let us remember that communication is not what we say, but what the other understands.

And for our message to be effective, we must ensure that it is understood!

Don't blame the other person for not understanding. Rather, look for ways to clarify or rephrase what you are trying to say so that your message can be understood.

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  1396 lectures
1396 lectures

Tips & Co. #484 - Automation and customer service

Automation and artificial intelligence are hot topics in all industries, and customer service is no exception. But when customers hear “customer service automation”, they think about menus and unwanted robocalls.

But when used properly, customer service software can reduce an agent’s workload so that they can focus more on the customer and less on transcription errors.

Automation is inevitable, and when used properly, it can increase the productivity and effectiveness of workers without erasing human contact.

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  1441 lectures
1441 lectures

Tips & Co. #483 - Why you should stop multitasking…

Multitasking at work can lower a person’s IQ by ten points, which is equivalent to losing a night’s sleep and twice the effect of smoking marijuana.

Bregman, Peter. "How (and why) to stop multitasking." Harvard Business Review

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  805 lectures
Mots-clés :
805 lectures

Tips & Co. #482 - Learn to recognize signs of conflict from a distance

In remote work environments - where you are generally not regularly exposed to non-verbal communication signals from team members - it can be easy to miss the first signs of conflict.

One of the easiest ways to increase your awareness of the frustrations of your remote team members is to develop an understanding of their basic communication habits. Irony or sarcasm may not be of concern if this is their standard way of operating. But increased negativity from a generally positive worker, on the other hand, could be a concern.

Don’t let tacit problems and bad situations persist. If you see these types of changes or other signs of potential conflict, proactively resolve them.

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  1202 lectures
Mots-clés :
1202 lectures

Tips & Co. #481 - Creating discomfort …

If you are looking to create positive change at work, it is likely that you will also create discomfort.

Normally, when we want to suggest/impose/apply something new, we say:

• “This is a very good idea…”

• “It will improve our work…”

• “This is a better way to do things…”

What is more difficult (but useful) is to say all this in addition to saying:

• “…and it will make some people uncomfortable.”

Then continue this conversation.

Do not avoid or ignore talking about discomfort… rather accept it and incorporate it.

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  566 lectures
Mots-clés :
566 lectures

Tips & Co. #480 - I hear you!

Faces can provide vital clues about a person’s mood, but the most reliable way to ‘’read’’ someone may simply be to listen to them.

Yale psychologist Michael Kraus tested the ability to evaluate someone’s emotional state using different types of sensory information.

The experiments determined that voice-only interactions led to more accurate perceptions than visual-only or multisensory versions.

One reason is that faces can be misleading: while we sometimes hide our emotions by feigning a smile or a straight face, the cues contained in our voices may be harder to mask.

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  785 lectures
785 lectures

Tips & Co. #479 - How do you respond to a “Thank you”?

When a customer thanks you for your service, avoid answering “No problem” …

Even if your intention is good, some customers may be offended.

They may wonder why there would be a problem if the task is simply part of your job. Are you suggesting that your customers could potentially be a nuisance or inconvenience?

Here are some alternatives for a good exchange of appreciation:

• “At your service.”

• “You’re very welcome.”

• “My pleasure.”

• “Glad I could help.”


Words are important!

Choose them carefully, especially when answering a “Thank you”.

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  952 lectures
Mots-clés :
952 lectures

Tips & Co. #478 Do you often say “I don’t have time”?

We all have the same amount of time available: 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week.

Yet, some people succeed in achieving their goals and others still run out of time.

Effectiveness is determining what is a priority for us. It is making choices.

Every time you say “I don’t have time”, what you’re really saying is “It’s not important enough to be at the top of my list”.

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  720 lectures
Mots-clés :
720 lectures

Tips & Co. #477 - Taming the feeling of proximity

Psychological distance is the perception of how close an individual is to another person, group, or organization. This is a perception that can only be measured by the impression of the individual.

The greater the sense of psychological distance, the greater the negative impact on the team in terms of innovation effectiveness: confidence, job satisfaction, clarity of roles and objectives, and project success.

A low psychological distance ensures a higher level of employee engagement, greater cohesion between members, increases individual satisfaction, facilitates communication between colleagues, accelerates the process of building trust, allows the creation of a culture, and ultimately increases the performance of workers.

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  812 lectures
Mots-clés :
812 lectures

Tips & Co. #476 - Never stop learning…

Studies show that lifelong learning benefits us beyond the skills we acquire.

The act of learning is just as important as what you learn. Believing that you can improve and do things beyond your current possibilities is exciting and fulfilling.

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  587 lectures
Mots-clés :
587 lectures

Tips & Co.#475 - Contextualizing remote communication

When you communicate remotely, you never know exactly what the other person is doing at that moment.

A person can answer your question with a simple “Yes” and not elaborate because they don’t have the time.

Without understanding the context of the other person, you might think that the other person is not listening or doesn’t care about the issue you raised when they are maybe just juggling you and their child simultaneously. This is why virtual teams must communicate effectively and avoid making assumptions.

Whether you are delivering or receiving the message, considering your colleague’s context (distractions, cultural norms, mother tongue, presence of young children, just a bad day) could help prevent misunderstandings.

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  646 lectures
646 lectures

Tips & Co.#474 - The customer is not always right …

Obviously, you can prove your point, and even have the last word. Maybe you’re even in the right.

However, right or wrong, your efforts will be in vain: It is impossible to win an argument with a client.

Your goal is to acquire, retain and grow a loyal customer base, not be right.

If you win the argument, you risk damaging the relationship with the client.

Whether your organization is private or public, this is always a LOSING outcome for YOU.

The customer is not always right …

But they’re still the customer.

We must find a fair solution to respond to their requests while respecting the needs of the organization!

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  1586 lectures
Mots-clés :
1586 lectures

Tips & Co. #473 - Perception and impression

Anybody (even outside your professional life) who gets to interact with you has an opinion of you (whether they actually have experienced you or not) and will share that opinion freely with others.
Your behaviour will determine how all the people you are in touch with will perceive you.
What perception would you like to leave? What impression would you like to make?
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  936 lectures
936 lectures

TIps & Co. #472 - Earning trust

Your experience, your knowledge, and even your expertise, are insufficient to get the credibility you seek to influence others - they need to trust you. You are not entitled to trust -Trust needs to be earned!
How? Invest in the relationships, patiently contribute and demonstrate that you are credible and trustworthy… only then can you aspire to influence.
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  781 lectures
781 lectures

Tips & Co. #471 - Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes.
What's important is how you respond to them and what you learn from them.
US President Ronald Reagan said: "What should happen when you make a mistake is this: You take your knocks, you learn your lessons, and then you move on."
Mistakes don't make you a failure. The greatest mistake a person can make is to be afraid to make one. 
There are really no mistakes in life, there are only lessons.
Lire la suite
  802 lectures
802 lectures

Tips & Co. #470 - The stunning truth about phobias

The 10 Most Frequent Phobias
  1. SOCIAL PHOBIA – Fear of interacting with people
  2. AGORAPHOBIA – Fear of crowds
  3. EMETOPHOBIA – Fear of vomiting
  4. EREUTHOPHOBIA – Fear of blushing in public
  5. AMAXOPHOBIA – Fear of driving a car
  6. HYPOCONDRIA – Fear of disease
  7. AERODROMOPHOBIA – Fear of flying
  8. ARACHNOPHOBIA – Fear of spiders
  9. ZOOPHOBIA – Fear of animals
  10. CLAUSTROPHOBIA – Fear of closed spaces
(Source: British National Health Service)
It’s hard to believe but we are actually more afraid of interacting with people and of blushing in public than we are of spiders and disease. From an interpersonal behavior perspective, it’s quite surprising!
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  843 lectures
843 lectures

Tips & Co. #469 - What about the easy clients ?

We all have difficult customers and we usually invest our best efforts (time, patience, energy, emotions, etc.) in them. 
And the easy, friendly, nice customers?
Well, we sometimes end up taking advantage of their good nature and invest less effort, because they will accept less effort.
Don’t forget to reward the people that make your work better and easier and treat your easy customer with care and effort.
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  819 lectures
819 lectures

Tips & Co. #468 - Defining the important

"It is not until you have a burning yes inside of you about what is truly important that you can pleasantly, smilingly, cheerfully, say no to all of that which is urgent, but not truly important. Our deepest guilt comes from doing from doing the opposite, implicitly saying no to the truly important and yes, yes, yes to the urgent that is not important.’’ 
Stephen R. Covey
Lire la suite
  984 lectures
984 lectures