
Being self-confident and trusting yourself

Being self-confident and trusting yourself
Self-confidence is the ability to believe, realistically and constantly, that we possess the necessary resources to face any situation with ease. It’s...
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  4256 lectures
4256 lectures

Tips & Co. #190 - Generate a positive impression

We all know the importance of first impressions. We also know that we will never have a second chance to make a good first impression and that impress...
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  2271 lectures
2271 lectures

Tips & Co. #189 - Do you have a "serviçocentriste" attitude?

Do you demonstrate your interest in the client?Do you ask the right questions and do you listen carefully?Are you patient, understanding and helpful?A...
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  2080 lectures
2080 lectures

Tips & Co. #187 - Serving customers

Serving customers means accepting customers as they are and not as you would like them to be.
  2182 lectures
2182 lectures

Tips & Co. #185 - Taking the time to listen

You may be so busy answering calls from your customers that you don't have time to think of the service you offer. Take time to listen to your custome...
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  2268 lectures
2268 lectures

Tips & Co. #183 - To be ready for customer contact

To be ready for customer contact is the step preceding any contact with a customer.  The step where you must be ready psychologically , emotional...
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  2438 lectures
2438 lectures

Tips & Co. #178 - Active listening

Show sincere interest in active listening . Beyond listening with your ears, your eyes and your heart ... Listen with your instinct  - Do you fee...
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  2173 lectures
2173 lectures

Tips & Co. #177 - How to understand a message

Demonstrate sincere interest by actively listening to the whole message that the other person is trying to communicate. • Listen with your ears - What...
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  2059 lectures
2059 lectures

Tips & Co. #175 - Techno distraction

The use of technology to excess can blur the line between what is the message and what is the medium. "Death by PowerPoint", or "Prezi Vertigo" are al...
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  2755 lectures
2755 lectures

Tips & Co. #171 - The customers are the judges

The customers are the judges. These judges expect you to score high in your performance. If you are to successfully score 10’s with your customers, yo...
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  2163 lectures
2163 lectures

Tips & Co. #170 - Courtesies

At the end of a conversation, a few courtesies are required. Thank the customer for calling.Let the customer know that you appreciate him doing busine...
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  2202 lectures
2202 lectures

Tips & Co. #124 - Characteristics of Professionalism

Professional individuals are always polite, courteous and eloquent, regardless of the situation. Being professional means to keep calm in all circumst...
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  2803 lectures
2803 lectures

Tips & Co. #114 - The Real Professional Relationship

Give pre-eminence to the « real » professional relationship. Pay attention to the individual (client, colleague, etc.) who’s in front of you...
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  2594 lectures
2594 lectures

Tips & Co. #111 - Problem vs. Solution

A customer is angry due to a problem. Self-assurance allows you to avoid taking this anger personally. Keep in mind: You are not part of the problem, ...
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  3113 lectures
3113 lectures

Tips & Co. #109 - Working Hard or Hardly Working?

Many people look for a magic formula to achieving something worthwhile in their life, but there is no magic formula, there is no secret. To achieve yo...
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  2571 lectures
Mots-clés :
2571 lectures

Tips & Co. #104 - The Professional Within You

A professional knows how to positively influence his surroundings. But to gain the right to influence, one must gain respect and appreciation from the...
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  2712 lectures
2712 lectures

Tips & Co. #99 - Call on Hold

Sometimes, you will need to put a call on hold. Before doing so, make sure to explain to the customer the reason of this waiting and to ask his permis...
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  3365 lectures
3365 lectures

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« Vraiment une formation extraordinaire, et habituellement, je suis très critique! Tout le personnel devrait suivre cette formation, il y aurait un gain d’efficacité! »

Ville de Québec

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…et nos clients aussi!

« C’est avec un grand professionnalisme que l’entreprise a offert une formation attrayante et de qualité à nos employés. Nous sommes particulièrement satisfaits des résultats obtenus grâce à cette intervention et il nous fera plaisir de retravailler avec Solutions & Co. dans l’avenir. »

Xavier Aymé, Chef des opérations | Mercator Canada Inc.

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